will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit e976190e authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

backport some changes from WL 4378

parents 4f84eba9 638479ab
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ use My::File::Path; # Patched version of File::Path
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Temp qw / tempdir /;
use File::Spec::Functions qw / splitdir /;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use File::Spec::Functions qw/splitdir/;
use My::Platform;
use My::SafeProcess;
use My::ConfigFactory;
......@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ END {
sub env_or_val($$) { defined $ENV{$_[0]} ? $ENV{$_[0]} : $_[1] }
my $path_config_file; # The generated config file, var/my.cnf
# Visual Studio produces executables in different sub-directories based on the
......@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ my $start_only;
my $opt_wait_all;
my $opt_repeat= 1;
my $opt_retry= 3;
my $opt_retry_failure= 2;
my $opt_retry_failure= env_or_val(MTR_RETRY_FAILURE => 2);
my $opt_strace_client;
......@@ -247,9 +249,9 @@ our %mysqld_variables;
my $source_dist= 0;
my $opt_max_save_core= $ENV{MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE} || 5;
my $opt_max_save_datadir= $ENV{MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATADIR} || 20;
my $opt_max_test_fail= $ENV{MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL} || 10;
my $opt_max_save_core= env_or_val(MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE => 5);
my $opt_max_save_datadir= env_or_val(MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATADIR => 20);
my $opt_max_test_fail= env_or_val(MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL => 10);
my $opt_parallel= $ENV{MTR_PARALLEL} || 1;
......@@ -794,11 +796,12 @@ sub set_vardir {
sub command_line_setup {
my $opt_comment;
my $opt_usage;
my $opt_list_options;
# Read the command line options
# Note: Keep list, and the order, in sync with usage at end of this file
my %options=(
# Control what engine/variation to run
'embedded-server' => \$opt_embedded_server,
'ps-protocol' => \$opt_ps_protocol,
......@@ -917,9 +920,13 @@ sub command_line_setup {
'timediff' => \&report_option,
'help|h' => \$opt_usage,
) or usage("Can't read options");
'list-options' => \$opt_list_options,
GetOptions(%options) or usage("Can't read options");
usage("") if $opt_usage;
list_options(\%options) if $opt_list_options;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup verbosity
......@@ -5024,7 +5031,7 @@ sub gdb_arguments {
my $type= shift;
# Write $args to gdb init file
my $str= join(" ", @$$args);
my $str= join " ", map { s/"/\\"/g; "\"$_\""; } @$$args;
my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type";
# Remove the old gdbinit file
......@@ -5088,7 +5095,7 @@ sub ddd_arguments {
my $type= shift;
# Write $args to ddd init file
my $str= join(" ", @$$args);
my $str= join " ", map { s/"/\\"/g; "\"$_\""; } @$$args;
my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type";
# Remove the old gdbinit file
......@@ -5483,3 +5490,15 @@ HERE
sub list_options ($) {
my $hash= shift;
for (keys %$hash) {
print "--$_\n" unless /list-options/;
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