Commit ea35b4e5 authored by unknown's avatar unknown
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update test

  update result
parent 941f8691
create database if not exists events_test;
use events_test;
"We use procedure here because its statements won't be logged into the general log"
"If we had used normal select that are logged in different ways depending on whether"
"the test suite is run in normal mode or with --ps-protocol"
CREATE procedure select_general_log()
SELECT user_host, argument FROM mysql.general_log WHERE argument LIKE '%alabala%';
"Check General Query Log"
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=0;
create event log_general on schedule every 1 minute do seLect 'alabala', sleep(3) from dual;
create event log_general on schedule every 1 minute do SELect 'alabala', sleep(3) from dual;
TRUNCATE mysql.general_log;
SELECT user_host, command_type, argument FROM mysql.general_log;
user_host command_type argument
root[root] @ localhost [] Query SELECT user_host, command_type, argument FROM mysql.general_log
"1 row, the current statement!"
call select_general_log();
user_host argument
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=1;
"Wait the scheduler to start"
"Should see 3 rows. The create, the seLect and the select from the general_log"
SELECT user_host, command_type, argument FROM mysql.general_log;
user_host command_type argument
root[root] @ localhost [] Query SELECT user_host, command_type, argument FROM mysql.general_log
root[root] @ localhost [] Query SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=1
root[root] @ localhost [localhost] Query seLect 'alabala', sleep(3) from dual
root[root] @ localhost [] Query SELECT user_host, command_type, argument FROM mysql.general_log
"Should see 3 rows - the 'SELect' is in the middle. The other two are selects from general_log"
call select_general_log();
user_host argument
root[root] @ localhost [localhost] SELect 'alabala', sleep(3) from dual
DROP PROCEDURE select_general_log;
DROP EVENT log_general;
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=0;
"Check slow query log"
create database if not exists events_test;
use events_test;
--echo "We use procedure here because its statements won't be logged into the general log"
--echo "If we had used normal select that are logged in different ways depending on whether"
--echo "the test suite is run in normal mode or with --ps-protocol"
delimiter |;
CREATE procedure select_general_log()
SELECT user_host, argument FROM mysql.general_log WHERE argument LIKE '%alabala%';
delimiter ;|
--echo "Check General Query Log"
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=0;
create event log_general on schedule every 1 minute do seLect 'alabala', sleep(3) from dual;
create event log_general on schedule every 1 minute do SELect 'alabala', sleep(3) from dual;
TRUNCATE mysql.general_log;
SELECT user_host, command_type, argument FROM mysql.general_log;
--echo "1 row, the current statement!"
call select_general_log();
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=1;
--echo "Wait the scheduler to start"
--echo "Should see 3 rows. The create, the seLect and the select from the general_log"
--echo "Should see 3 rows - the 'SELect' is in the middle. The other two are selects from general_log"
--sleep 2
SELECT user_host, command_type, argument FROM mysql.general_log;
call select_general_log();
DROP PROCEDURE select_general_log;
DROP EVENT log_general;
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=0;
--sleep 1
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