1. 29 Aug, 2009 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #44331 Restore of database with events produces warning in replication · 13b35da1
      unknown authored
      If an EVENT is created without the DEFINER clause set explicitly or with it set  
      to CURRENT_USER, the master and slaves become inconsistent. This issue stems from 
      the fact that in both cases, the DEFINER is set to the CURRENT_USER of the current 
      thread. On the master, the CURRENT_USER is the mysqld's user, while on the slave,  
      the CURRENT_USER is empty for the SQL Thread which is responsible for executing 
      the statement.
      To fix the problem, we do what follows. If the definer is not set explicitly,  
      a DEFINER clause is added when writing the query into binlog; if 'CURRENT_USER' is 
      used as the DEFINER, it is replaced with the value of the current user before 
      writing to binlog.
        Updated the result file after fixing bug#44331
        Updated the result file after fixing bug#44331
        Test result of Bug#44331
        Updated the result file after fixing bug#44331
        Added test to verify if the definer is consistent between master and slave
        when the event is created without the DEFINER clause set explicitly or the
        DEFINER is set to CURRENT_USER
        The "create_query_string" function is added to create a new query string 
        for removing executable comments.
        The remember_name token was added for recording the offset of EVENT_SYM.
  2. 28 Aug, 2009 6 commits
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Reduce test case runtime. · 3190eff8
      Davi Arnaut authored
        Update test case result.
        Update test case result.
        Do not sync .frm files.
        Do not sync .frm files.
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Fix for a few assorted compiler warnings. · 69174242
      Davi Arnaut authored
        Remove leading whitespace.
        Remove extra text after #else directive.
        Function does not take a parameter.
        buffer is a uchar pointer.
        Assert if it should not happen.
        Cast to expected type. This is probably a bug, but it is
        casted in a similar way in another part of the code.
        Apply fix from cluster team.
        Remove extraneous slash.
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      merge · 91d8a597
      Mattias Jonsson authored
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      Manual merge between bug#46362 and bug#20577. · 44414b9a
      Mattias Jonsson authored
        Removed duplicate code (if statement must have been duplicated during earlier merge).
        After mergeing bug#46362 and bug#20577, the NULL partition was also searched
        when col = const, fixed by checking if = or range.
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
  3. 27 Aug, 2009 6 commits
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
      BUG#46861 Auto-closing of temporary tables broken by replicate-rewrite-db · d930d8ee
      Alfranio Correia authored
      When a connection is dropped any remaining temporary table is also automatically
      dropped and the SQL statement of this operation is written to the binary log in
      order to drop such tables on the slave and keep the slave in sync. Specifically,
      the current code base creates the following type of statement:
      DROP /*!40005 TEMPORARY */ TABLE IF EXISTS `db`.`table`;
      Unfortunately, appending the database to the table name in this manner circumvents
      the replicate-rewrite-db option (and any options that check the current database).
      To solve the issue, we started writing the statement to the binary as follows:
      use `db`; DROP /*!40005 TEMPORARY */ TABLE IF EXISTS `table`;
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
      BUG#46864 Incorrect update of InnoDB table on slave when using trigger with myisam table · 1b1f8dbf
      Alfranio Correia authored
      Slave does not correctly handle "expected errors" leading to inconsistencies
      between the mater and slave. Specifically, when a statement changes both
      transactional and non-transactional tables, the transactional changes are
      automatically rolled back on the master but the slave ignores the error and
      does not roll them back thus leading to inconsistencies.
      To fix the problem, we automatically roll back a statement that fails on
      the slave but note that the transaction is not rolled back unless a "rollback"
      command is in the relay log file.
        Enabled item 13.e which was disabled because of the bug fixed by the
        current and removed item 14 which was introduced by mistake.
    • Sergey Glukhov's avatar
      5.0-bugteam->5.1-bugteam merge · 351cf54c
      Sergey Glukhov authored
    • Sergey Glukhov's avatar
      Bug#46184 Crash, SELECT ... FROM derived table procedure analyze · c5ecd1d2
      Sergey Glukhov authored
      The crash happens because select_union object is used as result set
      for queries which have derived tables.
      select_union use temporary table as data storage and if
      fields count exceeds 10(count of values for procedure ANALYSE())
      then we get a crash on fill_record() function.
        test result
        result fix
        test case
        test fix
        The crash happens because select_union object is used as result set
        for queries which have derived tables.
        select_union use temporary table as data storage and if
        fields count exceeds 10(count of values for procedure ANALYSE())
        then we get a crash on fill_record() function.
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
      Post-fix for BUG#28976. · 41ef547f
      Alfranio Correia authored
      Updated main.mysqlbinlog_row_trans's result file as 
      TRUNCATE statements are wrapped in BEGIN...COMMIT.
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      merged 5.0-bugteam -> 5.1-bugteam · 10102145
      Georgi Kodinov authored
  4. 26 Aug, 2009 5 commits
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect · ca30fe67
      Alfranio Correia authored
      Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
      transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves in STATEMENT
      mode. The problem stems from the fact that although modifications done to
      non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible
      to other connections they do not immediately get to the binary log and therefore
      consistency is broken. Although there may be issues in mixing T and M tables in
      STATEMENT mode, there are safe combinations that clients find useful.
      In this bug, we fix the following issue. Mixing N and T tables in multi-level
      (e.g. a statement that fires a trigger) or multi-table table statements (e.g.
      update t1, t2...) were not handled correctly. In such cases, it was not possible
      to distinguish when a T table was updated if the sequence of changes was N and T.
      In a nutshell, just the flag "modified_non_trans_table" was not enough to reflect
      that both a N and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we check if an
      engine is registered in the handler's list and changed something which means that
      a T table was modified.
      Check WL 2687 for a full-fledged patch that will make the use of either the MIXED or
      ROW modes completely safe.
        Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
        Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      merge · 5fd12667
      Mattias Jonsson authored
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      merge · ef2ccdb7
      Mattias Jonsson authored
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures · 591141d9
      Mattias Jonsson authored
      Problem was that the partition containing NULL values
      was pruned away, since '2001-01-01' < '2001-02-00' but
      TO_DAYS('2001-02-00') is NULL.
      Added the NULL partition for RANGE/LIST partitioning on TO_DAYS()
      function to be scanned too.
      Also fixed a bug that added ALLOW_INVALID_DATES to sql_mode
      (SELECT * FROM t WHERE date_col < '1999-99-99' on a RANGE/LIST
      partitioned table would add it).
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Added include file to decrease test code duplication
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Added test results
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Updated test result.
        This fix adds the partition containing NULL values to
        the list of partitions to be scanned.
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Added test case
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Added MONOTONIC_*INCREASE_NOT_NULL values to be used by TO_DAYS.
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Calculate the number of days as return value even for invalid dates.
        This is so that pruning can be used even for invalid dates.
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Fixed a bug that added ALLOW_INVALID_DATES to sql_mode
        (SELECT * FROM t WHERE date_col < '1999-99-99' on a RANGE/LIST
        partitioned table would add it).
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Resetting ret_null_part when a single partition is to be used, this
        to avoid adding the NULL partition.
        Bug#20577: Partitions: use of to_days() function leads to selection failures
        Always include the NULL partition if RANGE or LIST.
        Use the returned value for the function for pruning, even if
        it is marked as NULL, so that even '2000-00-00' can be
        used for pruning, even if TO_DAYS('2000-00-00') is NULL.
        Changed == to >= in get_next_partition_id_list to avoid
        crash if part_iter->part_nums is not correctly setup.
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      Bug#46362: Endpoint should be set to false for TO_DAYS(DATE) · 39f20d3a
      Mattias Jonsson authored
      There were a problem since pruning uses the field
      for comparison (while evaluate_join_record uses longlong),
      resulting in pruning failures when comparing DATE to DATETIME.
      Fix was to always comparing DATE vs DATETIME as DATETIME,
      by adding ' 00:00:00' to the DATE string.
      And adding optimization for comparing with 23:59:59, so that
      DATETIME_col > '2001-02-03 23:59:59' ->
      TO_DAYS(DATETIME_col) > TO_DAYS('2001-02-03 23:59:59') instead
      of '>='.
        Bug#46362: Endpoint should be set to false for TO_DAYS(DATE)
        Updated result-file
        Bug#46362: Endpoint should be set to false for TO_DAYS(DATE)
        Added testcases.
        Bug#46362: Endpoint should be set to false for TO_DAYS(DATE)
        removed duplicate assignment.
        Bug#46362: Endpoint should be set to false for TO_DAYS(DATE)
        Changed field_is_equal_to_item into field_cmp_to_item, to
        better handling DATE vs DATETIME comparision.
        Bug#46362: Endpoint should be set to false for TO_DAYS(DATE)
        Updated comment
        Bug#46362: Endpoint should be set to false for TO_DAYS(DATE)
        Added optimization (pruning) of DATETIME where time-part is
        Bug#46362: Endpoint should be set to false for TO_DAYS(DATE)
        Using the new stored_field_cmp_to_item for better pruning.
  5. 24 Aug, 2009 4 commits
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Bug#45261: Crash, stored procedure + decimal · 51ed79bd
      Davi Arnaut authored
      The problem was that creating a DECIMAL column from a decimal
      value could lead to a failed assertion as decimal values can
      have a higher precision than those attached to a table. The
      assert could be triggered by creating a table from a decimal
      with a large (> 30) scale. Also, there was a problem in
      calculating the number of digits in the integral and fractional
      parts if both exceeded the maximum number of digits permitted
      by the new decimal type.
      The solution is to ensure that truncation procedure is executed
      when deducing a DECIMAL column from a decimal value of higher
      precision. If the integer part is equal to or bigger than the
      maximum precision for the DECIMAL type (65), the integer part
      is truncated to fit and the fractional becomes zero. Otherwise,
      the fractional part is truncated to fit into the space left
      after the integer part is copied.
      This patch borrows code and ideas from Martin Hansson's patch.
        Add test case result for Bug#45261. Also, update test case to
        reflect that an additive operation increases the precision of
        the resulting type by 1.
        Add test case for Bug#45261
        Added DBUG_ASSERT to ensure object's invariant is maintained.
        Implement method to create a field to hold a decimal value
        from an item.
        Explain member variable. Add method to create a new decimal field.
        The precision should only be capped when storing the value
        on a table. Also, this makes it impossible to calculate the
        integer part if Item::decimals (the scale) is larger than the
        Simplify calculation of integer part.
        Do not limit the precision. It will be capped later.
        Use new method for allocating a new decimal field.
        Add a specialized method for retrieving the precision
        of a user variable item.
        Add method to return the precision of a user variable.
        Use new method for allocating a new decimal field.
        The integer part could be improperly calculated for a decimal
        with 31 digits in the fractional part.
        Use new method which truncates the integer or decimal parts
        as needed.
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      Bug #37044: Read overflow in opt_range.cc found during "make test" · 31abbbb0
      Georgi Kodinov authored
      The code was using a special global buffer for the value of IS NULL ranges.
      This was not always long enough to be copied by a regular memcpy. As a 
      result read buffer overflows may occur.
      Fixed by setting the null byte to 1 and setting the rest of the field disk image
      to NULL with a bzero (instead of relying on the buffer and memcpy()).
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
  6. 21 Aug, 2009 8 commits
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      merge · 357e2fdb
      Mattias Jonsson authored
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      Bug#46639: 1030 (HY000): Got error 124 from storage engine on · 76c76383
      Mattias Jonsson authored
      INSERT ... SELECT ...
      Problem was that when bulk insert is used on an empty
      table/partition, it disables the indexes for better
      performance, but in this specific case it also tries
      to read from that partition using an index, which is
      not possible since it has been disabled.
      Solution was to allow index reads on disabled indexes
      if there are no records.
      Also reverted the patch for bug#38005, since that was a workaround
      in the partitioning engine instead of a fix in myisam.
        Bug#46639: 1030 (HY000): Got error 124 from storage engine on
        INSERT ... SELECT ...
        updated result file
        Bug#46639: 1030 (HY000): Got error 124 from storage engine on
        INSERT ... SELECT ...
        Added testcase
        Bug#46639: 1030 (HY000): Got error 124 from storage engine on
        INSERT ... SELECT ...
        reverted the patch for bug#38005, since that was a workaround
        around this problem, not needed after fixing it in myisam.
        Bug#46639: 1030 (HY000): Got error 124 from storage engine on
        INSERT ... SELECT ...
        Return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE instead of HA_ERR_WRONG_INDEX
        when there are no rows.
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      automerge · 1c8fa509
      Georgi Kodinov authored
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      Revert of the fix for bug #46019. · e49a6c12
      Georgi Kodinov authored
    • Martin Hansson's avatar
      Merge. · d482525c
      Martin Hansson authored
    • Martin Hansson's avatar
      Merge. · 32106c3e
      Martin Hansson authored
    • Ramil Kalimullin's avatar
      Fix for bug #46456 [Ver->Prg]: HANDLER OPEN + TRUNCATE + DROP · 61d4fabd
      Ramil Kalimullin authored
      (temporary) TABLE, crash
      Problem: if one has an open "HANDLER t1", further "TRUNCATE t1" 
      doesn't close the handler and leaves handler table hash in an 
      inconsistent state, that may lead to a server crash.
      Fix: TRUNCATE should implicitly close all open handlers.
      Doc. request: the fact should be described in the manual accordingly.
        Fix for bug #46456 [Ver->Prg]: HANDLER OPEN + TRUNCATE + DROP
        (temporary) TABLE, crash
          - test result.
        Fix for bug #46456 [Ver->Prg]: HANDLER OPEN + TRUNCATE + DROP
        (temporary) TABLE, crash
          - test case.
        Fix for bug #46456 [Ver->Prg]: HANDLER OPEN + TRUNCATE + DROP
         (temporary) TABLE, crash
          - remove all truncated tables from the HANDLER's hash.
  7. 20 Aug, 2009 3 commits
  8. 19 Aug, 2009 4 commits
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
      BUG#45694 Deadlock in replicated statement is not retried · 8b9712c0
      Alfranio Correia authored
      If the SQL Thread fails to execute an event due to a temporary error (e.g.
      ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK) and the option "--slave_transaction_retries" is set the SQL
      Thread should not be aborted and the transaction should be restarted from the
      beginning and re-executed.
      Unfortunately, a wrong interpretation of the THD::is_fatal_error was preventing
      this behavior. In a nutshell, "this variable is set to TRUE if an execution of a
      compound statement cannot continue. In particular, it is used to disable access
      to the CONTINUE or EXIT handlers of stored routines. So even temporary errors
      may have this variable set.
      To fix the bug, we have done what follows:
      -  if (thd->is_fatal_error)
      -    DBUG_RETURN(0);
                         if (thd->main_da.is_error())
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      Bug #46807: subselect test fails on PB-2 with a crash · d60108f4
      Georgi Kodinov authored
      The check for stack overflow was independent of the size of the 
      structure stored in the heap. 
      Fixed by adding sizeof(PARAM) to the requested free heap size.
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      Bug #46019: ERROR 1356 When selecting from within another · da0e1c9b
      Georgi Kodinov authored
      view that has Group By
      Table access rights checking function check_grant() assumed
      that no view is opened when it's called.
      This is not true with nested views where the inner view
      needs materialization. In this case the view is already 
      materialized when check_grant() is called for it.
      This caused check_grant() to not look for table level
      grants on the materialized view table.
      Fixed by checking if a view is already materialized and if 
      it is check table level grants using the original table name
      (not the ones of the materialized temp table).
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
  9. 17 Aug, 2009 3 commits