1. 30 Jun, 2006 5 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge monty@ · 338e50d2
      unknown authored
      into  mysql.com:/home/my/mysql-4.1
    • unknown's avatar
      Reverted wrong bug fix (Bug#11228) · a616b65e
      unknown authored
        Fixed result after removing wrong bug fix
        Added SHOW CREATE TABLE, which is the proper way to check for table definitions
        Reverted wrong bug fix.
        The intention with the original code was to show that MySQL treats the first
        given unique key as a primary key. Clients can use the marked primary key as a
        real primary key to validate row changes in case of conflicting updates.  The
        ODBC driver (and other drivers) may also use this fact to optimize/check
        updates and handle conflicts.  The marked key also shows what some engines, like InnoDB or NDB,
        will use as it's internal primary key.
        For checking if someone has declared a true PRIMARY KEY, one should use 'SHOW CREATE TABLE'
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1 · 8ecfe319
      unknown authored
      into  mysql.com:/home/my/mysql-4.1
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge monty@ · dbbbf1b5
      unknown authored
      into  mysql.com:/home/my/mysql-4.1
    • unknown's avatar
      Don't read ~/.my.cnf in mysqldump.test · aa5ecc4c
      unknown authored
        Changed type from last commit
        Fixed problem with running with --gdb and two masters
        Don't disable ndb becasue we run gdb
        Don't read ~/.my.cnf
        Portability fix
  2. 29 Jun, 2006 9 commits
  3. 28 Jun, 2006 3 commits
  4. 27 Jun, 2006 6 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#19298 mysqld_safe still uses obsolete --skip-locking parameter · 2a518d99
      unknown authored
        Replaced skip-locking with newer skip-external-locking option.  Removed extra quotes.
        Replaced skip-locking with newer skip-external-locking option.
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#1662 - ALTER TABLE LIKE ignores DATA/INDEX DIRECTPORY · e93885d8
      unknown authored
      Produce a warning if DATA/INDEX DIRECTORY is specified in
      ALTER TABLE statement.
      Ignoring of these options is documented in the symbolic links
      section of the manual.
        Modified test result according to fix for BUG#1662.
        Produce a warning if DATA/INDEX DIRECTORY is specified in
        ALTER TABLE statement.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge mysql.com:/home/kgeorge/mysql/4.1/teamclean · 1dbd42da
      unknown authored
      into  mysql.com:/home/kgeorge/mysql/4.1/B16458
    • unknown's avatar
      Dec. 31st, 9999 is still a valid date, only starting with Jan 1st 10000 things... · 203c7ed2
      unknown authored
      Dec. 31st, 9999 is still a valid date, only starting with Jan 1st 10000 things become invalid (Bug #12356)
        test cases for date range edge cases added
        test cases for date range edge cases added
        test cases for date range edge cases added
        test cases for date range edge cases added
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #16458: Simple SELECT FOR UPDATE causes "Result Set not updatable" error · 340df8c8
      unknown authored
      'SELECT DISTINCT a,b FROM t1' should not use temp table if there is unique 
      index (or primary key) on a.
      There are a number of other similar cases that can be calculated without the
      use of a temp table : multi-part unique indexes, primary keys or using GROUP BY 
      instead of DISTINCT.
      When a GROUP BY/DISTINCT clause contains all key parts of a unique
      index, then it is guaranteed that the fields of the clause will be
      unique, therefore we can optimize away GROUP BY/DISTINCT altogether.
      This optimization has two effects:
      * there is no need to create a temporary table to compute the
         GROUP/DISTINCT operation (or the temporary table will be smaller if only GROUP 
         is removed and DISTINCT stays or if DISTINCT is removed and GROUP BY stays)
      * this causes the statement in effect to become updatable in Connector/Java
      because the result set columns will be direct reference to the primary key of 
      the table (instead to the temporary table that it currently references). 
      Implemented a check that will optimize away GROUP BY/DISTINCT for queries like 
      the above.
      Currently it will work only for single non-constant table in the FROM clause.
        Bug #16458: Simple SELECT FOR UPDATE causes "Result Set not updatable" error
          - test case
        Bug #16458: Simple SELECT FOR UPDATE causes "Result Set not updatable" error
          - test case
        Bug #16458: Simple SELECT FOR UPDATE causes "Result Set not updatable" error
          - disable GROUP BY if contains the fields of a unique index.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge abotchkov@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1 · c611cde1
      unknown authored
      into mysql.com:/home/hf/work/mysql-4.1.clean
  5. 26 Jun, 2006 4 commits
  6. 23 Jun, 2006 2 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#11228: DESC shows arbitrary column as "PRI" · c7d30f0a
      unknown authored
        An UNIQUE KEY consisting of NOT NULL columns
        was displayed as PRIMARY KEY in "DESC t1".
        According to the code, that was intentional
        behaviour for some reasons unknown to me.
        This code was written before bitkeeper time,
        so I cannot check who and why made this.
        After discussing on dev-public, a decision
        was made to remove this code
        Adding test case.
        Adding test case.
        Removing old wrong code
    • unknown's avatar
      Added a test case for bug #18359. · 153cda3f
      unknown authored
      This was another manifestation of the problems fixed in the
      patch for bug 16674.
      Wrong calculation of length of the search prefix in the pattern
      string led here to a wrong result set for a query in 4.1. 
      The bug could be demonstrated for any multi-byte character set. 
        Added a test case for bug #18359.
        Added a test case for bug #18359.
  7. 22 Jun, 2006 4 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Fixed bug #20076. · 71e64a3b
      unknown authored
      Server crashed in some cases when a query required a MIN/MAX
      agrregation for a 'ucs2' field. 
      In these cases  the aggregation caused calls of the function
      update_tmptable_sum_func that indirectly invoked 
      the method Item_sum_hybrid::min_max_update_str_field() 
      containing a call to strip_sp for a ucs2 character set.
      The latter led directly to the crash as it used my_isspace
      undefined for the ucs2 character set.
      Actually the call of strip_sp is not needed at all in this
      situation and has been removed by the fix.
        Added a test case for bug #20076.
        Added a test case for bug #20076.
    • unknown's avatar
      mysql.spec.sh: · 3f0032f4
      unknown authored
        Disable the simplistic auto dependency scan for test/bench (bug#20078)
        Disable the simplistic auto dependency scan for test/bench (bug#20078)
    • unknown's avatar
      bug #10166 (Signed byte values cause data to be padded) · c7b48932
      unknown authored
      The AsBinary function returns VARCHAR data type with binary collation.
      It can cause problem for clients that treat that kind of data as
      different from BLOB type.
      So now AsBinary returns BLOB.
        result fixed
        test case added
        Now we return MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB for asBinary function
    • unknown's avatar
      Modified the test case for bug 16674 to have the same · fb52fc72
      unknown authored
      execution plans in 4.1 and 5.0.
  8. 21 Jun, 2006 7 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge ibabaev@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1-opt · 0b9fd6e7
      unknown authored
      into  rurik.mysql.com:/home/igor/mysql-4.1-opt
        SCCS merged
        SCCS merged
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge epotemkin@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1 · 0777deef
      unknown authored
      into moonbone.local:/work/tmp_merge-4.1-opt-mysql
    • unknown's avatar
      Fixed bug #14896. · a15f5736
      unknown authored
      This bug in Field_string::cmp resulted in a wrong comparison 
      with keys in partial indexes over multi-byte character fields.
      Given field a is declared as a varchar(16) collate utf8_unicode_ci
      INDEX(a(4)) gives us an example of such an index.
      Wrong key comparisons could lead to wrong result sets if 
      the selected query execution plan used a range scan by 
      a partial index over a utf8 character field.
      This also caused wrong results in many other cases.
        Added test cases for bug #14896.
        Added test cases for bug #14896.
        Fixed bug #14896.
        This bug in Field_string::cmp resulted in a wrong comparison 
        with keys in partial indexes over multi-byte character fields.
        Given field a is declared as a varchar(16) collate utf8_unicode_ci
        INDEX(a(4)) gives us an example of such an index.
        Wrong key comparisons could lead to wrong result sets if 
        the selected query execution plan used a range scan by 
        a partial index over a utf8 character field.
        This also caused wrong results in many other cases.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge svojtovich@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1 · b1faeb2e
      unknown authored
      into  may.pils.ru:/home/svoj/devel/mysql/BUG20357/mysql-4.1
    • unknown's avatar
      added missing MYSQLTEST_VARDIR declaration · 228f12ea
      unknown authored
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge april:devel/BitKeeper/mysql-4.1 · 61fa835d
      unknown authored
      into  may.pils.ru:/home/svoj/devel/mysql/BUG20357/mysql-4.1
        Auto merged
        SCCS merged
        SCCS merged
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#20357 - Got error 124 from storage engine using MIN and MAX · afc129c0
      unknown authored
                  functions in queries
      Using MAX()/MIN() on table with disabled indexes (by ALTER TABLE)
      results in error 124 (wrong index) from storage engine.
      The problem was that optimizer use disabled index to optimize
      MAX()/MIN(). Normally it must skip disabled index and perform
      table scan.
      This patch skips disabled indexes for min/max optimization.
        Test case for BUG#20357.
        Test case for BUG#20357.
        Skip disabled/ignored indexes for min/max optimization.