1. 11 Nov, 2005 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix bug #13622 Wrong view .frm created if some field's alias contain \n · 56f43d9d
      unknown authored
      View .frm parser assumes that query string will take only 1 line, with \n in
      aliases query stringmay take several lines thus produces bad .frm file.
      'query' parameter type changed from 'string' to 'escaped string'
        Fix bug #13622 \n in column alias results in broken .frm
        'query' parameter type changed to 'escaped string'
        Test case for bug #13622 Wrong view .frm created if some field's alias contain \n
        Test case for bug #13622 Wrong view .frm created if some field's alias contain \n
  2. 01 Nov, 2005 4 commits
  3. 31 Oct, 2005 9 commits
  4. 29 Oct, 2005 5 commits
  5. 28 Oct, 2005 21 commits