1. 29 Nov, 2006 1 commit
    • patg@radha.local's avatar
      federated.test: · 7ce83bc3
      patg@radha.local authored
        fixed test to replace port to SLAVE_PORT in result file
        new result file
  2. 16 Nov, 2006 1 commit
    • patg@radha.local's avatar
      BUG# 17044 Federated Storage Engine not UTF8 clean · 5f0fe177
      patg@radha.local authored
      - Added 'SET NAMES <charset>" upon ::open
      - Added test and results for simple UTF test
        BUG #17044 Federated Storage Engine not UTF8 clean
        New test. Using hex - pasting various charsets in the terminal doesn't work.
        BUG# 17044 Federated Storage Engine not UTF8 clean
        New test results
        BUG# 17044 Federated Storage Engine not UTF8 clean
        Upon ::open, set names to table's charset
  3. 07 Nov, 2006 2 commits
  4. 01 Nov, 2006 1 commit
  5. 27 Oct, 2006 4 commits
  6. 26 Oct, 2006 1 commit
  7. 25 Oct, 2006 5 commits
  8. 24 Oct, 2006 1 commit
  9. 21 Oct, 2006 1 commit
  10. 20 Oct, 2006 7 commits
  11. 19 Oct, 2006 12 commits
  12. 18 Oct, 2006 2 commits
  13. 17 Oct, 2006 2 commits