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  1. 18 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
      Alfranio Correia authored
      Before BUG#28796, an empty host was used to identify that an instance was no
      longer a slave. However, BUG#28796 changed this behavior and one cannot set
      an empty host. Besides, a RESET SLAVE only cleans up information on the next
      event to retrieve from the master, disables ssl and resets heartbeat period.
      So a call to SHOW SLAVE STATUS after issuing a RESET SLAVE still returns some
      valid information, such as host, port, user and password.
      To fix this problem, we have introduced the command RESET SLAVE ALL that does
      what a regular RESET SLAVE does and also clears host, port, user and password
      information thus allowing users to identify when an instance is no longer a
  2. 19 Dec, 2010 1 commit
    • Sven Sandberg's avatar
      BUG#49978: Replication tests don't clean up replication state at the end · 09c80e12
      Sven Sandberg authored
      Major replication test framework cleanup. This does the following:
       - Ensure that all tests clean up the replication state when they
         finish, by making check-testcase check the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
         This implies:
          - Slave must not be running after test finished. This is good
            because it removes the risk for sporadic errors in subsequent
            tests when a test forgets to sync correctly.
          - Slave SQL and IO errors must be cleared when test ends. This is
            good because we will notice if a test gets an unexpected error in
            the slave threads near the end.
          - We no longer have to clean up before a test starts.
       - Ensure that all tests that wait for an error in one of the slave
         threads waits for a specific error. It is no longer possible to
         source wait_for_slave_[sql|io] when there is an error
         in one of the slave threads. This is good because:
          - If a test expects an error but there is a bug that causes
            another error to happen, or if it stops the slave thread without
            an error, then we will notice.
          - When developing tests, wait_for_*_to_[start|stop].inc will fail
            immediately if there is an error in the relevant slave thread.
            Before this patch, we had to wait for the timeout.
       - Remove duplicated and repeated code for setting up unusual replication
         topologies. Now, there is a single file that is capable of setting
         up arbitrary topologies (include/, but
         include/ is still available for the most common
         topology). Tests can now end with include/, which will clean
         up correctly no matter what topology is used. The topology can be
         changed with include/
       - Improved debug information when tests fail. This includes:
          - debug info is printed on all servers configured by include/
          - User can set $rpl_debug=1, which makes auxiliary replication files
            print relevant debug info.
       - Improved documentation for all auxiliary replication files. Now they
         describe purpose, usage, parameters, and side effects.
       - Many small code cleanups:
          - Made output a sensible error message.
          - Moved contents of into rpl000017.test
          - Added mysqltest variables that expose the current state of
            disable_warnings/enable_warnings and friends.
          - Too many to list here: see per-file comments for details.
  3. 24 May, 2010 1 commit
    • 's avatar
      Bug #49741 test files contain explicit references to bin/relay-log positions · cc054408
      Some of the test cases reference to binlog position and
      these position numbers are written into result explicitly.
      It is difficult to maintain if log event format changes. 
      There are a couple of cases explicit position number appears, 
      we handle them in different ways
      A. 'CHANGE MASTER ...' with MASTER_LOG_POS or/and RELAY_LOG_POS options
         Use --replace_result to mask them.
      B. 'SHOW BINLOG EVENT ...'
         Replaced by or  file's function is enhanced by given
         $binlog_file and $binlog_limit.
      C. 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS', '' and ''
         For the test cases just care a few items in the result of 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS',
         only the items related to each test case are showed.
         '' is rebuild, only the given items in $status_items
         will be showed.
         '' and ''
         and '' are auxiliary files helping
         to show running status and error information easily.
  4. 04 Nov, 2009 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#48048: Deprecated constructs need removal in Betony · 6e068a9c
      Luis Soares authored
      NOTE: Backport of:
      bzr log -r
      revno: 2469.263.4
      timestamp: Sat 2007-05-05 13:03:19 -0700
        Removing deprecated features:
        --master-XXX command-line options
        BACKUP TABLE ...
        RESTORE TABLE ...
        ... TIMESTAMP(N)
        ... TYPE=engine
        RESET SLAVE don't reset connection parameters anymore
        LOAD DATA: check opt_secure_file_priv before access(filename)
        improved WARN_DEPRECATED macro
  5. 26 Jun, 2009 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#44270: Post-push fix · b5371583
      Luis Soares authored
      The test case added failed sporadically on PB. This is due to the
      fact that the user thread in some cases is waiting for slave IO
      to stop and then check the error number. Thence, sometimes the
      user thread would race for the error number with IO thread.
      This post push fix addresses this by replacing the wait for slave
      io to stop with a wait for slave io error (as it seems it was
      added in 6.0 also after patch on which this is based was
      pushed). This implied backporting
      from 6.0 also.
  6. 03 Jun, 2009 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#44270: RESET SLAVE does not reset Last_IO_Error or Last_IO_Errno · e6f15deb
      Luis Soares authored
      The server was not cleaning the last IO error and error number when
      resetting slave.
      This patch addresses this issue by backporting into 5.1 part of the
      patch in BUG 34654. A fix for this issue had already been pushed into
      6.0 as part of the aforementioned bug, however the patch also included
      some refactoring. The fix for 5.1 does not take into account the
      refactoring part.
  7. 14 Jan, 2008 1 commit
  8. 11 Jun, 2007 1 commit
  9. 22 Dec, 2005 1 commit
  10. 12 Sep, 2005 1 commit
  11. 28 Jul, 2005 1 commit
  12. 19 Dec, 2003 1 commit
    • guilhem@gbichot2's avatar
      This is the final commit for Worklog tasks: · df3b1a54
      guilhem@gbichot2 authored
         * A more dynamic binlog format which allows small changes (1064)
         * Log session variables in Query_log_event (1063)
      It contains a few bugfixes (which I made when running the testsuite).
      I carefully updated the results of the testsuite (i.e. I checked for every one,
      if the difference between .reject and .result could be explained).
      Apparently mysql-test-run --manager is broken in 4.1 and 5.0 currently,
      so I could neither run the few tests which require --manager, nor check
      that they pass nor modify their .result. But for builds, we don't run
      with --manager.
      Apart from --manager, the full testsuite passes, with Valgrind too (no errors).
      I'm going to push in the next minutes. Remains: update the manual.
      Note: by chance I saw that (in 4.1, in 5.0) rpl_get_lock fails when run alone;
      this is normal at it makes assumptions on thread ids. I will fix this one day
      in 4.1.
  13. 03 Nov, 2003 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      When we delete the slave's temp tables from memory, we reset · fbc54c13 authored
      rli->save_temporary_tables and slave_open_temp_tables
      (in old 4.0 you could make "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'slave_open_temp_tables'" grow
      indefinitely by doing RESET SLAVE and replicating always the same CREATE
      It's critical to reset save_temporary_tables to 0 (otherwise you may later
      read memory which has been freed) so this changeset should go into 4.1.
  14. 09 Oct, 2003 1 commit
  15. 08 Oct, 2003 1 commit
    • guilhem@gbichot2's avatar
      Final push for WL#1098: · c0075fa6
      guilhem@gbichot2 authored
      "Add a column "Timestamp_of_last_master_event_executed" in SHOW SLAVE STATUS".
      Finally this is adding
      - Slave_IO_State (a copy of the State column of SHOW PROCESSLIST for the I/O thread,
      so that the users, most of the time, has enough info with only SHOW SLAVE STATUS).
      - Seconds_behind_master. When the slave connects to the master it does SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
      on the master, computes the absolute difference between the master's and the slave's clock.
      It records the timestamp of the last event executed by the SQL thread, and does a
      small computation to find the number of seconds by which the slave is late.
  16. 04 Aug, 2003 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      2 bugfixes: · bb12d905 authored
      - Bug #985: "Between RESET SLAVE and START SLAVE, SHOW SLAVE STATUS is wrong."
      Now RESET SLAVE puts correct info in mi->host etc. A new test rpl_reset_slave
      for that.
      - Bug #986: "CHANGE MASTER & START SLAVE do not reset error columns in SHOW
      SLAVE STATUS". Now these reset the errors.