1. 10 Sep, 2007 1 commit
  2. 29 Aug, 2007 3 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Remove any old pidfile before starting mysqld to make sure that · d79cb398
      unknown authored
      'mysqld_wait_started' don't return prematurely because of an old
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix typo: '$$' => '$' · 792c7b90
      unknown authored
    • unknown's avatar
      Add 'mtr_rmtree' · f60837cb
      unknown authored
        Add function 'mtr_rmtree' it will try 'rmtree' and if that fails (most likely
        due to permission problems we will fun File::find to chmod all files and dirs
        to 0777 and then delete.
        Use 'mtr_rmtree' in favour of 'rmtree'
  3. 15 Aug, 2007 1 commit
  4. 13 Aug, 2007 1 commit
  5. 05 Aug, 2007 1 commit
  6. 04 Aug, 2007 1 commit
  7. 02 Aug, 2007 7 commits
  8. 01 Aug, 2007 3 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge jperkin@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1-maint · 64997c78
      unknown authored
      into  production.mysql.com:/usersnfs/jperkin/bk/mysql-4.1-maint
    • unknown's avatar
      Option 6 tries to grant global privileges at the database level · 287965d2
      unknown authored
      which does not work.  Removing these attempted privileges makes
      this identical to option 5 so remove it completely.  The spirit
      of the program appears to be aimed at database privileges, so do
      not add another option for granting global privileges as it may
      be unexpected.  Fixes bug#14618 (same as previous patch, this
      time applied to -maint tree).
        Option 6 tries to apply global privileges at the database
        level which does not work - remove it.
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#29838 - myisam corruption using concurrent select ... and update · 7dc16f2e
      unknown authored
      When using concurrent insert with parallel index reads, it could
      happen that reading sessions found keys that pointed to records
      yet to be written to the data file. The result was a report of
      a corrupted table. But it was false alert.
      When inserting a record in a table with indexes, the keys are
      inserted into the indexes before the record is written to the data
      file. When the insert happens concurrently to selects, an
      index read can find a key that references the record that is not
      yet written to the data file. To avoid any access to such record,
      the select saves the current end of file position when it starts.
      Since concurrent inserts are always appended at end of the data
      file, the select can easily ignore any concurrently inserted record.
      The problem was that the ignore was only done for non-exact key
      searches (partial key or using >, >=, < or <=).
      The fix is to ignore concurrently inserted records also for
      exact key searches.
      No test case. Concurrent inserts cannot be tested with the test
      suite. Test cases are attached to the bug report.
        Bug#29838 - myisam corruption using concurrent select ... and update
        Fixed mi_rkey() to always ignore records beyond saved eof.
  9. 31 Jul, 2007 2 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge mysql.com:/home/hf/work/029717/my41-29717 · 19d55095
      unknown authored
      into  mysql.com:/home/hf/work/29717/my41-29717
        Auto merged
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #29717 INSERT INTO SELECT inserts values even if · 86ae8436
      unknown authored
       SELECT statement itself returns empty.
      As a result of this bug 'SELECT AGGREGATE_FUNCTION(fld) ... GROUP BY'
      can return one row instead of an empty result set.
      When GROUP BY only has fields of constant tables
      (with a single row), the optimizer deletes the group_list.
      After that we lose the information about whether we had an
      GROUP BY statement. Though it's important
      as SELECT min(x) from empty_table; and
         SELECT min(x) from empty_table GROUP BY y; have to return
      different results - the first query should return one row,
      second - an empty result set.
      So here we add the 'group_optimized_away' flag to remember this case
      when GROUP BY exists in the query and is removed
      by the optimizer, and check this flag in end_send_group()
        Bug #29717 INSERT INTO SELECT inserts values even if
         SELECT statement itself returns empty.
        test result
        Bug #29717 INSERT INTO SELECT inserts values even if
         SELECT statement itself returns empty.
        test result
        Bug #29717 INSERT INTO SELECT inserts values even if
         SELECT statement itself returns empty.
        This is additional testcase that is more basic than the
        original bug's testcase and has the same reason.
        Bug #29717 INSERT INTO SELECT inserts values even if
         SELECT statement itself returns empty.
        test case
        Bug #29717 INSERT INTO SELECT inserts values even if
         SELECT statement itself returns empty.
        Remember the 'GROUP BY was optimized away' case in the JOIN::group_optimized
        and check this in the end_send_group()
        Bug #29717 INSERT INTO SELECT inserts values even if
         SELECT statement itself returns empty.
        JOIN::group_optimized member added to remember the 'GROUP BY optimied away'
  10. 30 Jul, 2007 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      my_pthread.c: · b361c3b3
      unknown authored
        Backport of correction for Mac OS X build problem, global variable not
        initiated is "common" and can't be used in shared libraries, unless
        special flags are used (bug#26218)
        Backport of correction for Mac OS X build problem, global variable not
        initiated is "common" and can't be used in shared libraries, unless
        special flags are used (bug#26218)
  11. 26 Jul, 2007 3 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge dfischer@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1 · 096ce53b
      unknown authored
      into  pippilotta.erinye.com:/shared/home/df/mysql/build/mysql-4.1
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge debian.(none):/M41/bug16635-4.1 · 54fec5cc
      unknown authored
      into  debian.(none):/M41/push-4.1
    • unknown's avatar
      Raise the 64 character limit for path names in the error messages · 08a3c0ff
      unknown authored
      to 150 or 107 characters for those messages which are generated
      by the embedded server during release builds.
      This fixes bug#16635:
         Error messages wrong: absolute path names, "%s" format code
      See the bug report or the changelog for "sql/share/english/errmsg.txt"
      for instructions how to do that with other languages, 
      even at the customer site, and for the restrictions to keep.
        The embedded server uses absolute path names in its error messages,
        in the release build environment these exceed the 64 character limit
        which the format strings for the error messages impose (bug#16635).
        But when the messages are output, the server does the "printf()" 
        internally in a 256 character buffer; the constant text and the
        expanded variables (strings, error number) must fit into this.
        (If the buffer would overflow, a format specification will not be
        expanded but just copied with its code, and the message output
        will just contain '%s' or '%d' where a value is expected.)
        So the string lengths are increased to 150 characters in those messages
        which are issued by the embedded server during release tests
        and contain 1 (one) path name,
        but only to 107 in the "rename" message which contains 2 (two).
        This solves bug#16635 for the release builds.
        For other languages used by OEM customers, similar fixes may be needed,
        but we cannot test them.
        These fixes can be done even in a binary installation at the customer site
        by following these steps:
           cd <<install-root>>/share
           $EDITOR <<lang>>/errmsg.txt
           ../../bin/comp_err -C./charsets/ <<lang>>/errmsg.txt <<lang>>/errmsg.sys
        and then restarting the server.
  12. 22 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  13. 21 Jul, 2007 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fixed bug #29911. · 5db49605
      unknown authored
      This bug manifested itself for join queries with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
      whose SELECT lists contained DISTINCT. It occurred when the optimizer could
      deduce that the result set would have not more than one row.
      The bug could lead to wrong result sets for queries of this type because
      HAVING conditions were erroneously ignored in some cases in the function
        Added a test case for bug #29911.
        Added a test case for bug #29911.
  14. 20 Jul, 2007 2 commits
  15. 17 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  16. 16 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  17. 14 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  18. 13 Jul, 2007 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#27198: Error returns from time() are ignored · 200550db
      unknown authored
      gettimeofday() can fail and presumably, so can time().
      Keep an eye on it.
      Since we have no data on this at all so far, we just
      retry on failure (and log the event), assuming that
      this is just an intermittant failure. This might of
      course hang the threat until we succeed. Once we know
      more about these failures, an appropriate more clever
      scheme may be picked (only try so many times per thread,
      etc., if that fails, return last "good" time() we got or
      some such).  Using sql_print_information() to log as this
      probably only occurs in high load scenarios where the debug-
      trace likely is disabled (or might interfere with testing
      the effect).  No test-case as this is a non-deterministic
        Bug#27198: Error returns from time() are ignored
        move declarations for log.cc to before inclusion of
        sql_class.h as we now use sql_print_information() in
        Bug#27198: Error returns from time() are ignored
        gettimeofday() can fail and presumably, so can time().
        Keep an eye on it.
  19. 12 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  20. 09 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  21. 08 Jul, 2007 2 commits
  22. 07 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  23. 06 Jul, 2007 3 commits