1. 11 Nov, 2013 2 commits
  2. 10 Nov, 2013 6 commits
  3. 09 Nov, 2013 2 commits
  4. 07 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  5. 08 Nov, 2013 9 commits
  6. 07 Nov, 2013 4 commits
  7. 06 Nov, 2013 7 commits
    • Elena Stepanova's avatar
    • Elena Stepanova's avatar
    • Elena Stepanova's avatar
      More verbose error messages · b9a6618c
      Elena Stepanova authored
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
      Recording correct test results: · 2f05f511
      Alexander Barkov authored
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-4506: Parallel replication · 9c7caca1
      unknown authored
      MDEV-5217: Incorrect MyISAM event execution order causing incorrect parallel replication
      In parallel replication, if transactions A,B group-commit together on the
      master, we can execute them in parallel on a replication slave. But then, if
      transaction C follows on the master, on the slave, we need to be sure that
      both A and B have completed before starting on C to be sure to avoid
      The necessary wait is implemented such that B waits for A to commit before it
      commits itself (thus preserving commit order). And C waits for B to commit
      before it itself can start executing. This way C does not start until both A
      and B have completed.
      The wait for B's commit on A happens inside the commit processing. However, in
      the case of MyISAM with no binlog enabled on the slave, it appears that no
      commit processing takes place (since MyISAM is non-transactional), and thus
      the wait of B for A was not done. This allowed C to start before A, which can
      lead to conflicts and incorrect replication.
      Fixed by doing an extra wait for A at the end of B before signalling C.
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-4506: Parallel replication · b2d838ef
      unknown authored
      MDEV-5217: Unlock of de-allocated mutex
      There was a race in the code for wait_for_commit::wakeup().
      Since the waiter does a dirty read of the waiting_for_commit
      flag, it was possible for the waiter to complete and deallocate
      the wait_for_commit object while the waitee was still running
      inside wakeup(). This would cause the waitee to access invalid
      Fixed by putting an extra lock/unlock in the destructor for
      wait_for_commit, to ensure that waitee has finished with the
      object before it is deallocated.
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-4506: Parallel replication · 50c955ad
      unknown authored
      MDEV-5217: Incorrect event pos update leading to corruption of reading of events from relay log
      The rli->event_relay_log_pos was sometimes undated incorrectly when using
      parallel replication, especially around relay log rotates. This could cause
      the SQL thread to seek into an invalid position in the relay log, resulting in
      errors about invalid events or even random corruption in some cases.
  8. 05 Nov, 2013 3 commits
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      increment the version · 4a1f03f5
      Sergei Golubchik authored
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-4506: Parallel replication. · 01cbae8d
      unknown authored
      MDEV-5217: Last_sql_error lost in parallel replication.
      For some reason, the query execution code in log_event.cc call
      rli->clear_error for each event (part of clear_all_errors()).
      This causes a problem in parallel replication, where the
      execution in one worker thread could clear the error set by
      another thread, causing the SQL thread to stop but leaving no
      error visible in SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
      There seems to be no reason to clear the global error code
      in Relay_log_info for each event execution, from code review
      and from running the test suite. So remove this clearing of
      the error code to make things work also in the parallel case.
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-4506: Parallel replication · 81d7d92a
      unknown authored
      MDEV-5217: SQL thread hangs during stop if error occurs in the middle of an event group
      Normally, when we stop the slave SQL thread in parallel replication, we want
      the worker threads to continue processing events until the end of the current
      event group. But if we stop due to an error that prevents further events from
      being queued, such as an error reading the relay log, no more events can be
      queued for the workers, so they have to abort even if they are in the middle
      of an event group. There was a bug that we would deadlock, the workers
      waiting for more events to be queued for the event group, the SQL thread
      stopped and waiting for the workers to complete their current event group
      before exiting.
      Fixed by now signalling from the SQL thread to all workers when it is about
      to exit, and cleaning up in all workers when so signalled.
      This patch fixes one of multiple problems reported in MDEV-5217.
  9. 04 Nov, 2013 6 commits
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      10.0-base merge · d4acaeed
      Sergei Golubchik authored
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      increase the initial ibdata1 size, as explained in MySQL-5.6... · ddc28b8c
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      increase the initial ibdata1 size, as explained in MySQL-5.6 revid:kevin.lewis@oracle.com-20120802192452-kmikiz990xzje18b
        A maximum size of 10 Mb works in 5.1 because the initial
        required size of ibdata1 was less than 10M.  But in 5.5, a
        change was made to allocate all 128 rollback segments at
        bootstrap.  Since then, the initial size has been 10M + the
        default autoextend size of 8M. 
        In 5.6, worklog 6216 changes the autoextend size from 8M to
        64M.  This changes the initial size of ibdata1 from 18M in
        5.5 and earlier releases of 5.6 to 74M in the current
        mysql-5.6 and mysql-trunk.  So this change is especially
        needed in 5.6.
      12M is enough to avoid autoextending during bootstrap
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      MDEV-5080 Assertion `strcmp(share->unique_file_name,filename) ||... · ef329ba0
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      MDEV-5080 Assertion `strcmp(share->unique_file_name,filename) || share->last_version' fails at /storage/myisam/mi_open.c:67
      extend table names discovery (ha_discover_table_names() and Discovered_table_list) to return
      or optionally filter out temporary tables ("#sql..."). SHOW commands and I_S tables
      typically want temp table filtered out, while DROP DATABASE wants to see them too.
      additonally, remove the supression for the warning "Invalid (old?) table or database name"
      from mtr, and add it to .test files as needed (we need to test that this warning
      does *not* happen in drop.test)
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      restore the condition in filename_to_tablename() · 7dd2b1af
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      (broken in the revid:sergii@pisem.net-20130615170931-bn2h8j30vu5bfp0t)
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      MDEV-5232 SET ROLE checks privileges differently from check_access() · 1c052bee
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      use the same inconsistent priv_user@host pair for SET ROLE privilege checks,
      just as check_access() does
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      merge 10.0-base into 10.0 · 1754a07b
      Sergei Golubchik authored