1. 14 Jun, 2012 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix bug lp:1008773 · b35231b0
      unknown authored
      Queries with implicit grouping (there is aggregate, but no group by)
      follow some non-obvious semantics in the case of empty result set.
      Aggregate functions produce some special "natural" value depending on
      the function. For instance MIN/MAX return NULL, COUNT returns 0.
      The complexity comes from non-aggregate expressions in the select list.
      If the non-aggregate expression is a constant, it can be computed, so
      we should return its value, however if the expression is non-constant,
      and depends on columns from the empty result set, then the only meaningful
      value is NULL.
      The cause of the wrong result was that for subqueries the optimizer didn't
      make a difference between constant and non-constant ones in the case of
      empty result for implicit grouping.
      In all implementations of Item_subselect::no_rows_in_result() check if the
      subquery predicate is constant. If it is constant, do not set it to the
      default value for implicit grouping, instead let it be evaluated.
  2. 10 Jun, 2012 3 commits
  3. 08 Jun, 2012 1 commit
    • Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar
      LP1008334 : Speedup specific datetime queries that got slower with... · ce7a3b43
      Vladislav Vaintroub authored
      LP1008334 : Speedup specific datetime queries that got slower with introduction of microseconds in 5.3
      - Item::get_seconds() now skips decimal arithmetic, if decimals is 0. This significantly speeds up from_unixtime() if no fractional part is passed.
      - replace sprintfs used to format temporal values  by hand-coded formatting 
      Query1 (original query in the bug report)
      BENCHMARK(10000000,DATE_SUB(FROM_UNIXTIME(RAND() * 2147483648), INTERVAL (FLOOR(1 + RAND() * 365)) DAY)) 
      Query2 (Variation of query1 that does not use fractional part in FROM_UNIXTIME parameter)
      BENCHMARK(10000000,DATE_SUB(FROM_UNIXTIME(FLOOR(RAND() * 2147483648)), INTERVAL (FLOOR(1 + RAND() * 365)) DAY)) 
      Prior to the patch, the runtimes were (32 bit compilation/AMD machine)
      Query1: 41.53 sec 
      Query2: 23.90 sec
      With the patch, the runtimes are
      Query1: 32.32 sec (speed up due to removing sprintf)
      Query2: 12.06 sec (speed up due to skipping decimal arithmetic)
  4. 06 Jun, 2012 1 commit
  5. 05 Jun, 2012 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fixed bug lp:1000649 · 6530c847
      unknown authored
      When the method JOIN::choose_subquery_plan() decided to apply
      the IN-TO-EXISTS strategy, it set the unit and select_lex
      uncacheable flag to UNCACHEABLE_DEPENDENT_INJECTED unconditionally.
      As result, even if IN-TO-EXISTS injected non-correlated predicates,
      the subquery was still treated as correlated.
      Set the subquery as correlated only if the injected predicate(s) depend
      on the outer query.
  6. 04 Jun, 2012 1 commit
  7. 02 Jun, 2012 1 commit
  8. 01 Jun, 2012 2 commits
  9. 30 May, 2012 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix for bug lp:1006231 · 8b2dbc8c
      unknown authored
      When a subquery that needs a temp table is executed during
      the prepare or optimize phase of the outer query, at the end
      of the subquery execution all the JOIN_TABs of the subquery
      are replaced by a new JOIN_TAB that selects from the temp table.
      However that temp table has no corresponding TABLE_LIST.
      Once EXPLAIN execution reaches its last phase, it tries to print
      the names of the subquery tables through its TABLE_LISTs, but in
      the case of this bug there is no such TABLE_LIST (it is NULL),
      hence a crash.
      The fix is to block subquery evaluation inside
      Item_func_like::fix_fields and Item_func_like::select_optimize()
      using the Item::is_expensive() test.
  10. 29 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Alexey Botchkov's avatar
      MDEV-294 SELECT WHERE ST_CONTAINS doesn't return all the records where ST_CONTAINS() is 1. · 528e8cc6
      Alexey Botchkov authored
              Optimizator fails using index with ST_Within(g, constant_poly).
      per-file comments:
              test result fixed.
              test result fixed.
              test result fixed.
              test result fixed.
              test result fixed.
              Use MBR_INTERSECT mode when optimizing the select WITH ST_Within.
              Use MBR_INTERSECT mode when optimizing the select WITH ST_Within.
  11. 25 May, 2012 2 commits
  12. 24 May, 2012 1 commit
  13. 23 May, 2012 3 commits
  14. 22 May, 2012 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix bug lp:1002079 · acdcb6a5
      unknown authored
        The optimizer detects an empty result through constant table optimization.
        Then it calls return_zero_rows(), which in turns calls inderctly
        Item_maxmin_subselect::no_rows_in_result(). The latter method set "value=0",
        however "value" is pointer to Item_cache, and not just an integer value.
        All of the Item_[maxmin | singlerow]_subselect::val_XXX methods does:
          if (forced_const)
            return value->val_real();
        which of course crashes when value is a NULL pointer.
        When the optimizer discovers an empty result set, set
        Item_singlerow_subselect::value to a FALSE constant Item instead of NULL.
  15. 21 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Alexey Botchkov's avatar
      MDEV-136 Non-blocking "set read_only". · fb25c89e
      Alexey Botchkov authored
          Handle the 'set read_only=1' in lighter way, than the FLUSH TABLES READ LOCK;
          For the transactional engines we don't wait for operations on that tables to finish.
      per-file comments:
      MDEV-136 Non-blocking "set read_only".
             test result updated.
      MDEV-136 Non-blocking "set read_only".
             test case added.
      MDEV-136 Non-blocking "set read_only".
              The close_cached_tables_set_readonly() declared.
      MDEV-136 Non-blocking "set read_only".
               Call close_cached_tables_set_readonly() for the read_only::set_var.
       MDEV-136 Non-blocking "set read_only".
               Parameters added to the close_cached_tables implementation,
               close_cached_tables_set_readonly declared.
               Prevent blocking on the transactional tables if the
               set_readonly_mode is on.
  16. 20 May, 2012 1 commit
  17. 18 May, 2012 4 commits
  18. 17 May, 2012 3 commits
  19. 15 May, 2012 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix for LP bug#998516 · 17e199af
      unknown authored
      If we did nothing in resolving unique table conflict we should not retry (it leed to infinite loop).
      Now we retry (recheck) unique table check only in case if we materialized a table.
  20. 13 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Sergey Petrunya's avatar
      BUG#998236: Assertion failure or valgrind errors at best_access_path ... · 05a0d97e
      Sergey Petrunya authored
      - Let fix_semijoin_strategies_for_picked_join_order() set 
        POSITION::prefix_record_count for POSITION records that it copies from
        (These records do not have prefix_record_count set, because they are optimized
         as joins-inside-semijoin-nests, without full advance_sj_state() processing).  
  21. 12 May, 2012 3 commits
  22. 11 May, 2012 2 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge 5.2->5.3 · c27552a4
      unknown authored
    • unknown's avatar
      fix for LP bug#994392 · c9e3bf74
      unknown authored
      The not_null_tables() of Item_func_not_all and Item_in_optimizer was inherited from
      Item_func by mistake. It made the optimizer think that  subquery
      predicates with ALL/ANY/IN were null-rejecting. This could trigger invalid
      conversions of outer joins into inner joins.
  23. 10 May, 2012 1 commit
  24. 08 May, 2012 3 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix compiler warnings. · 25ffc6cc
      unknown authored
    • unknown's avatar
      Addition to the fix to LP bug#994275. · 3ab43b6c
      unknown authored
      It is problem of constant propagated to ref* access method (the problem was hiden by using debug binaries for testing).
    • Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar
      MDEV-262 : log_state occationally fails in buildbot. · c81b9fae
      Vladislav Vaintroub authored
      The failures are  missing entries in the slow query log.  The reason for the failure  are sleep() calls  with short duration 10ms, which is less than the default system timer resolution for various WaitForXXXObject functions  (15.6 ms) and thus can't work reliably.
      The fix is to make sleeps tiny bit longer (20ms from 10ms) in the test.