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  1. 10 Nov, 2009 8 commits
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Backport of Bug#37843 to mysql-next-mr · b53bb567
      Davi Arnaut authored
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Backport of Bug#36785 to mysql-next-mr · 7d0ae745
      Davi Arnaut authored
      revno: 2630.2.13
      committer: Davi Arnaut <>
      branch nick: 36785-6.0
      timestamp: Thu 2008-06-12 16:04:52 -0300
        Bug#36785: Wrong error message when group_concat() exceeds max length
        The problem is that when ER_CUT_VALUE_GROUP_CONCAT is elevated
        to a error, the message does not get updated with the number of
        cut lines when group_concat() exceeds max length.
        The solution is to modify the warning message to be more meaningful
        by giving the number of the line that was cut and to issue the warning
        for each line that is cut. This approach is inline with how other
        per-row truncated data warnings are issued avoids violating the warning
        internal interface.
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Backport of Bug#32140 to mysql-next-mr · 3e82db82
      Davi Arnaut authored
      revno: 2618
      timestamp: Fri 2008-04-18 10:19:46 -0300
        Bug#32140: wrong error code caught when an SF() call is interruped with KILL query
        The problem is that killing a query which calls a stored function
        could return a wrong error (table corrupt) instead of the query
        interrupted error message.
        The solution is to not set the table corrupt error if the query
        is killed, the query interrupted error message will be set  later
        when the query is finished.
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Backport of Bug#36649 to mysql-next-mr · 20189faa
      Davi Arnaut authored
      revno: 2630.39.3
      committer: Davi Arnaut <Davi.Arnaut@Sun.COM>
      branch nick: 36649-6.0
      timestamp: Wed 2008-12-10 19:53:59 -0200
        Bug#36649: Condition area is not properly cleaned up after stored routine invocation
        The problem is that the diagnostics area of a trigger is not
        isolated from the area of the statement that caused the trigger
        invocation. In MySQL terms, it means that warnings generated
        during the execution of the trigger are not removed from the
        "warning area" at the end of the execution.
        Before this fix, the rules for MySQL message list life cycle (see
        manual entry for SHOW WARNINGS) did not apply to statements
        inside stored programs:
          - The manual says that the list of messages is cleared by a
            statement that uses a table (any table). However, such
            statement, if run inside a stored program did not clear the
            message list.
          - The manual says that the list is cleared by a statement that
            generates a new error or a warning, but this was not the case
            with stored program statements either and is changed to be the
            case as well.
        In other words, after this fix, a statement has the same effect
        on the message list regardless of whether it's executed inside a
        stored program/sub-statement or not.
        This introduces an incompatible change:
          - before this fix, a, e.g. statement inside a trigger could
            never clear the global warning list
          - after this fix, a trigger that generates a warning or uses a
            table, clears the global warning list
          - however, when we leave a trigger or a function, the caller's
            warning information is restored (see more on this below).
        This change is not backward compatible as it is intended to make
        MySQL behavior similar to the SQL standard behavior:
        A stored function or trigger will get its own "warning area" (or,
        in standard terminology, diagnostics area).  At the beginning of
        the stored function or trigger, all messages from the caller area
        will be copied to the area of the trigger.  During execution, the
        message list will be cleared according to the MySQL rules
        described on the manual (SHOW WARNINGS entry).  At the end of the
        function/trigger, the "warning area" will be destroyed along with
        all warnings it contains, except that if the last statement of
        the function/trigger generated messages, these are copied into
        the "warning area" of the caller.
        Consequently, statements that use a table or generate a warning
        *will* clear warnings inside the trigger, but that will have no
        effect to the warning list of the calling (outer) statement.
    • Kristofer Pettersson's avatar
      automerge · 05764e29
      Kristofer Pettersson authored
    • Kristofer Pettersson's avatar
      Bug#27145 EXTRA_ACL troubles · 08aecd54
      Kristofer Pettersson authored
      Correction of backport patch:
      * Fixed signature of check_access_table() for embedded build
      * Fixed typo for last argument in a check_access() call from UINT_MAX to 0.
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Backport of Bug#47304 to mysql-next-mr · 72985db9
      Davi Arnaut authored
      revno: 3624
      committer: Jon Olav Hauglid <>
      branch nick: mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-bug47304
      timestamp: Mon 2009-09-28 18:34:26 +0200
        Bug #47304 Test main.mdl_sync fails on embedded server
        The problem was that SHOW PROCESSLIST was trying to access
        a thread that was not properly running and therefore had an 
        uninitialized mutex.
        This patch explicitly resets thd->mysys_var after each embedded
        server command to prevent the mutex from being accessed in an
        illegal state.
        The patch also re-enables lock_multi.test and mdl_sync.test for 
        embedded server as they had been disabled because of this bug.
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Backport of Bug#41971 to mysql-next-mr · f924523f
      Davi Arnaut authored
      revno: 2617.31.21
      committer: Davi Arnaut <Davi.Arnaut@Sun.COM>
      branch nick: 41971-6.0
      timestamp: Thu 2009-04-02 16:39:33 -0300
        Bug#41971: Thread state on embedded server is always "Writing to net"
        The problem is that the state of a thread on a embedded server is
        always displayed as "Writing to net", which is wrong as there is
        no "network" in the embedded server.
        The solution is only exclude, on a embedded server, the thread
        state conditions that are related to network operations. Other
        thread states related to waiting on conditions or other operations
        are preserved.
  2. 05 Nov, 2009 1 commit
  3. 04 Nov, 2009 6 commits
    • Magne Mahre's avatar
      BUG #8368 "mysqldump needs --slave-data option" · 6eb797f9
      Magne Mahre authored
      Added this option, named as "--dump-slave". The purpose of this option is to be
      able to produce a dump from a slave used for making backups of the master. Originally,
      dumping from the main master was fine, but as more data accumulated, the dump process
      would take over 30 minutes, locking up the master database hence website for 30 minutes.
      A slave dedicated to producing backups was the answer, but I needed a dump that could be
      used to restore a slave instantly and in order to do that, it has to have three things 
      contained in the dump:
        1. "STOP SLAVE;" at the beginning
        2. "CHANGE MASTER TO ...<the master - info from 'show slave status'>"
        3. "START SLAVE;" at the end
      These options in this changeset contain this.
        --stop-slave adds "STOP SLAVE" to the beginning of the dump and "STOP SLAVE" 
        to the end of the dump.
        --include-host gives the user the option to have the host explicitely added
        to the "CHANGE MASTER TO ..." line.
        --dump-slave adds the "CHANGE MASTER ..." to the dump representing not the slave's
        master binlog info, but the slave's master's info from "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" 
    • Magne Mahre's avatar
      Bug#26780: automatic vertical output for wide results · e30e0b7c
      Magne Mahre authored
      Feature from Eric Bergen, CLA signed 2007-06-27.
      Adds new mysql client option "--auto-vertical-output", which causes
      the client to test whether a result table is too wide for the current
      window (where available) and emit vertical results in that case.
      Otherwise, it sends normal tabular results.
    • Jon Olav Hauglid's avatar
      Bug #43867 ALTER TABLE on a partitioned table causes unnecessary · df6d4bf1
      Jon Olav Hauglid authored
      Backport of revno: 2617.68.35
      The problem was that if one connection is running a multi-statement 
      transaction which involves a single partitioned table, and another 
      connection attempts to alter the table to drop a non-existing partition,
      (which of course will fail), the first connection still gets 
      ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK and cannot proceed anymore.
      This bug is no longer reproducable. This has also been tested with the
      patch for Bug#46654 "False deadlock on concurrent DML/DDL with partitions, 
      inconsistent behavior" which concerned a similar problem but where the 
      ALTER TABLE is semantically correct.
      Test case added in partition_sync.test.
    • Magne Mahre's avatar
      Bug#42664: Sign ignored for TIME types when not comparing as longlong · 948bb3e6
      Magne Mahre authored
      Another code-path dropped sign of TIME, presuming all time is positive.
      Minds sign now. Patch depends on ChangeSet for 42661.
    • Magne Mahre's avatar
      Backport to 5.6.0 · 491b8fc7
      Magne Mahre authored
    • Magne Mahre's avatar
      Bug#42661: sec_to_time() and signedness · b1006c87
      Magne Mahre authored
      Bug#42662: maketime() and signedness
      Item_time_typecast::val_int() dropped sign from
      MYSQL_TIME gotten using from get_time().
      Propagates sign now.
      Backported to 5.5.0  (6.0-codebase revid: 1810.3897.1)
  4. 03 Nov, 2009 2 commits
    • Magne Mahre's avatar
      Bug #36466: Adding days to day_microsecond changes interpretation of microseco · b79b3c65
      Magne Mahre authored
      When less than six places are given for microseconds, we zerofill from
      the right (leftmost place is always 1/10s). We only did this when all
      announced date/time fields were given; now we also format fractional
      seconds when more significant fields are left out.
    • Magne Mahre's avatar
      Bug#35224: mysqldump --help is very confusing · 6e916e03
      Magne Mahre authored
      The presence of "--skip" parameters is obscure, when it should be
      obvious from the text.
      Now, for boolean options, when they're default to ON and the --skip
      is more useful parameter, then tell the user of its existence.
      Backported from 6.0-codebase, revid  2572.14.1
  5. 02 Nov, 2009 2 commits
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Backport a patch from 6.0: · ee15f23c
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
      revno: 2599.178.12
      committer: Alexander Nozdrin <>
      branch nick: 6.0-rt-build
      timestamp: Tue 2008-08-12 20:18:45 +0400
        Fix memory leak.
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Manual merge from mysql-next-mr. · 8c95f3c5
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
  6. 31 Oct, 2009 2 commits
  7. 29 Oct, 2009 8 commits
  8. 28 Oct, 2009 6 commits
  9. 27 Oct, 2009 5 commits