1. 16 Oct, 2013 4 commits
    • Venkata Sidagam's avatar
      Bug#16900358 FIX FOR CVE-2012-5611 IS INCOMPLETE · cd548a0b
      Venkata Sidagam authored
      Merging from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5
    • Venkata Sidagam's avatar
      Bug#16900358 FIX FOR CVE-2012-5611 IS INCOMPLETE · eab2a733
      Venkata Sidagam authored
      Description: Fix for bug CVE-2012-5611 (bug 67685) is 
      incomplete. The ACL_KEY_LENGTH-sized buffers in acl_get() and 
      check_grant_db() can be overflown by up to two bytes. That's 
      probably not enough to do anything more serious than crashing 
      Analysis: In acl_get() when "copy_length" is calculated it 
      just adding the variable lengths. But when we are using them 
      with strmov() we are adding +1 to each. This will lead to a 
      three byte buffer overflow (i.e two +1's at strmov() and one 
      byte for the null added by strmov() function). Similarly it 
      happens for check_grant_db() function as well.
      Fix: We need to add "+2" to "copy_length" in acl_get() 
      and "+1" to "copy_length" in check_grant_db(). 
    • Sujatha Sivakumar's avatar
      Bug#17429677:LAST ARGUMENT OF LOAD DATA ...SET ...STATEMENT · c4e461c9
      Sujatha Sivakumar authored
      If LOAD DATA ... SET ... is used the last argument of SET is
      repeated twice in replication binlog.
      LOAD DATA statements are reconstructed once again before
      they are written to the binary log. When SET clauses are
      specified as part of LOAD DATA statement, these SET clause
      user command strings need to be stored in order to rebuild
      the original user command. During parsing each column and
      the value in the SET command are stored in two differenet
      lists. All the values are stored in a string list.
      When SET expression has more than one value as shown in the
      following example:
      SET a = @A, b = CONCAT(@b, '| 123456789');
      Parser extracts values in the following manner i.e Item name
      , value string, actual length of the value of the item with
      in the string.
      Item a:
      Value for a:"= @A, b = CONCAT(@b, '| 123456789')
      str_length = 4
      Item b:
      Value for b:"= CONCAT(@b, '| 123456789')
      str_length = 27
      During reconstructing the LOAD DATA command the above
      strings are retrived as it is and appended to the LOAD DATA
      statement. Hence it becomes as shown below.
      SET `a`= @A, b = CONCAT(@b, '| 123456789'),
      `b`= CONCAT(@b, '| 123456789')
      During reconstruction of SET command, retrieve exact item
      value string rather than reading the entire string.
        Added code to extract the exact Item value.
    • Sreedhar.S's avatar
  2. 14 Oct, 2013 2 commits
    • Nuno Carvalho's avatar
      WL#7266: Dump-thread additional concurrency tests · d486027a
      Nuno Carvalho authored
      Merge from mysql-5.1 into mysql-5.5.
    • Nuno Carvalho's avatar
      WL#7266: Dump-thread additional concurrency tests ... · 81a50d34
      Nuno Carvalho authored
      WL#7266: Dump-thread additional concurrency tests                                                                                                                           
      This worklog aims at testing the two following scenarios:
      1) Whenever the mysql_binlog_send method (dump thread)
      reaches the end of file when reading events from the binlog, before
      checking if it should wait for more events, there was a test to
      check if the file being read was still active, i.e, it was the last
      known binlog. However, it was possible that something was written to
      the binary log and then a rotation would happen, after EOF was
      detected and before the check for active was performed. In this
      case, the end of the binary log would not be read by the dump
      thread, and this would cause the slave to lose updates.
      This test verifies that the problem has been fixed. It waits during
      this window while forcing a rotation in the binlog.
      2) Verify dump thread can send events in active file, correctly after
      encountering an IO error.
  3. 09 Oct, 2013 4 commits
  4. 07 Oct, 2013 8 commits
  5. 06 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  6. 05 Oct, 2013 1 commit
    • Praveenkumar Hulakund's avatar
      Bug#11745656 - KILL THREAD -> ERROR: "SERVER SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS" · 84d57184
      Praveenkumar Hulakund authored
      There are 2 issues reported in the bug report,
      1. One session running a "long" select, then, from the other
      session, you kill that first one, while select is
      running, and it receives that message "Server shutdown in
      Reported Date: 02-Apr-2006
      => Looks like this isuse is already fixed in 2009 by the patch
         pushed for bug28141. 
      2. Killing query which goes to filesort, logs error entries like:
      120416  9:17:28 [ERROR] mysqld: Sort aborted: Server shutdown in
      120416  9:18:48 [ERROR] mysqld: Sort aborted: Server shutdown in
      120416  9:19:39 [ERROR] mysqld: Sort aborted: Server shutdown in
      Reported Date: 16-Apr-2012                                              
      => This issue is introduced in 5.5+ versions. Fixing this issue
         in this patch.
      In function "filesort()", on error we are logging error message.
      To the error message, the message related THD::killed_errno is
      also appeneded, if it is set.(THD::kill_errno value is obtained
      by calling member function THD::killed_errno)
      In the scenario mentioned in this bug report, when we kill the
      connection, THD::kill_errno is set to the THD::KILL_CONNECTION.
      Enum type THD::KILL_CONNECTION corressponds to value 
      ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN. Because of this, "Server shutdown in ...." is
      appended to the message logged.
      Modified code of "filesort()" function to append "KILL_QUERY"
      status to error message when thread is killed and server
      shutdown is not in progress.
  7. 04 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  8. 01 Oct, 2013 2 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      No commit message · 70d9a5d1
      unknown authored
      No commit message
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      Mattias Jonsson authored
      If index_read_map is called for exact search and no matching records
      exists it will position the cursor on the next record, but still having the
      relative position to BTR_PCUR_ON.
      This will make a call for index_next to read yet another next record,
      instead of returning the record the cursor points to.
      Fixed by setting pcur->rel_pos = BTR_PCUR_BEFORE if an exact
      [prefix] search is done, but failed.
      Also avoids optimistic restoration if rel_pos != BTR_PCUR_ON,
      since btr_cur may be different than old_rec.
      rb#3324, approved by Marko and Jimmy
  9. 30 Sep, 2013 5 commits
  10. 27 Sep, 2013 2 commits
    • Satya Bodapati's avatar
      Merge fix for BUG#17446090 from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5 · f7a9dcdb
      Satya Bodapati authored
      The testcase for this bug fails randomly due to two reasons.
      1. Due to ibuf merge happening background
      2. Due to dict stats update which brings the evicted page back into
         buffer pool.
      Fix ibuf_contract_ext() to not do any merges with ibuf_debug enabled and
      also changed dict_stats_update() to return fake statistics without
      bringing the secondary index pages into buffer pool.
      Approved by Marko. rb#3419
    • unknown's avatar
      No commit message · 0ec9a1d8
      unknown authored
      No commit message
  11. 26 Sep, 2013 1 commit
    • Shivji Kumar Jha's avatar
      BUG#16580366- MTR TESTS FAILING SPORADICALLY ON PB2 (5.5, 5.6 AND 5.7) · afbbad75
      Shivji Kumar Jha authored
                    DURING INNODB RECOVERY
      The connection 'master' is dropped by mysqltest after
      rpl_end.inc. At this point, dropping temporary tables
      at the connection 'master' are not synced at slave.
      So, the temporary tables replicated from master remain
      on slave leading to an inconsistent close of the test.
      The following test thus complains about the presence of
      temporary table(s) left over from the previous test.
      - Put explicit drop commands in replication tests so
        that the temporary tables are dropped at slave as well.
      - Added the check for Slave_open_temp_tables in
        mtr_check.sql to warn about the remaining temporary
        table, if any, at the close of a test.
  12. 23 Sep, 2013 1 commit
    • Sujatha Sivakumar's avatar
      Sujatha Sivakumar authored
      If master is waiting for a reply from slave, at this time
      set global rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled=OFF, the master
      server will crash.
      When master is waiting for a reply from slave, at this time
      if semi sync is switched off on master, during switch off if
      active transactions are present the transactions will be
      cleared and "active_tranxs_" variable will be set to NULL.
      When the waiting master connection finds that semi sync is
      switched of it tries to access "active_tranxs_" without
      checking if the transaction list exists or not. Accessing
      NULL transaction list causes the crash.
      A check has been added to see a valid list exists before
      accessing the "active_tranxs_".
        Added check for the existence of valid 'active_transx_'.
  13. 20 Sep, 2013 4 commits
  14. 19 Sep, 2013 1 commit
  15. 17 Sep, 2013 1 commit
  16. 12 Sep, 2013 2 commits