1. 23 Mar, 2006 1 commit
  2. 22 Mar, 2006 6 commits
  3. 21 Mar, 2006 6 commits
  4. 20 Mar, 2006 5 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0 · f455c145
      unknown authored
      into  neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/bug11835/my50-bug11835
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
    • unknown's avatar
      Don't look for "dlopen" if server linked with -static or -all-static flag. Update after review · 9598f541
      unknown authored
        Don't look for "dlopen" if server linked with -static or -all-static flag
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#18004 Connecting crashes server when default charset is UCS2 · 0ba6a4bf
      unknown authored
        Fixing to use system_charset_info instead of default_charset_info.
        Crash happened because the "ctype" array is empty in UCS2,
        and thus cannot be used with my_isspace().
        The reason why UCS2 appeared in this context was because of
        of default_charset_info variable incorrectly substituted to my_isspace().
        As functions check_db_name(), check_table_name() and check_column_name()
        always get values in utf8, system_charset_info must be used instead.
      ctype_ucs2_def.test, ctype_ucs2_def-master.opt, ctype_ucs2_def.result:
        new file
        Bug#18004 Connecting crashes server when default charset is UCS2
        Use of default_charset_info was wrong.
        Functions check_db_name, check_table_name and check_column_name
        get values of system_charset_info character set (utf8).
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix for bug#18224 VIEW on information_schema crashes the server · e10ec04a
      unknown authored
        additional check for subselect
        Fix for bug#18224 VIEW on information_schema crashes the server
          test case
        Fix for bug#18224 VIEW on information_schema crashes the server
          test case
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix for bug #18113 "SELECT * FROM information_schema.xxx crashes server" · 2f0459df
      unknown authored
      Crash happened when one selected data from one of INFORMATION_SCHEMA
      tables and in order to build its contents server had to open view which
      used stored function and table or view on which one had not global or
      database-level privileges (e.g. had only table-level or had no
      privileges at all).
      The crash was caused by usage of check_grant() function, which assumes
      that either number of tables to be inspected by it is limited explicitly
      or table list used and thd->lex->query_tables_own_last value correspond
      to each other (the latter should be either 0 or point to next_global
      member of one of elements of this table list), in conditions when
      above assumptions were not true. This fix just explicitly limits
      number of tables to be inspected. Other negative effects which are
      caused by the fact that thd->lex->query_tables_own_last might not
      be set properly during processing of I_S tables are less disastrous
      and will be reported and fixed separetely.
        Fix for bug #18113 "SELECT * FROM information_schema.xxx crashes server"
          test case
        Fix for bug #18113 "SELECT * FROM information_schema.xxx crashes server"
          test case
          added note
  5. 18 Mar, 2006 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge · 274fdeb0
      unknown authored
        Auto merged
  6. 17 Mar, 2006 6 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0 · ac6f1282
      unknown authored
      into  calliope.local:/Volumes/Source/src/mysql-5.0__bug15846
    • unknown's avatar
      No longer leak file descriptors in mysql_close. Fixes Bug#15846. · 30ed0577
      unknown authored
        ORs were wrong to begin with, but more importantly, we mustn't use 
        shortable-circuit logic.
        Also newly reap the connection-closed event handle.
    • unknown's avatar
      configure.in: · dba8a4fb
      unknown authored
        NDB_VERSION_BUILD has to be numeric
        NDB_VERSION_BUILD has to be numeric
    • unknown's avatar
      configure.in: · 1810d278
      unknown authored
        Changed release name to 5.0.19a
        InnoDB used table locks (not row locks) within stored functions. (Bug #18077)
        InnoDB used table locks (not row locks) within stored functions. (Bug #18077)
        Changed release name to 5.0.19a
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge mysql.com:/home/emurphy/src/mysql/bk-clean/mysql-4.1 · 4542ef18
      unknown authored
      into  mysql.com:/home/emurphy/src/mysql/bk-clean/mysql-5.0
        Auto merged
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#18283 When InnoDB returns error 'lock table full', MySQL can write · 608d060c
      unknown authored
      to binlog too much.
      When InnoDB has to rollback a transaction because the lock table has
      filled up, it also needs to inform the upper layer that the transaction
      was rolled back so that the cached transaction is not written to the
      binary log.
        When InnoDB rolls back a transaction in HA_ERR_LOCK_TABLE_FULL, it
        needs to inform the upper layer to rollback the transaction also.
  7. 16 Mar, 2006 6 commits
  8. 15 Mar, 2006 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      We should prohobit concurent read of inserting file in SP · 9289f979
      unknown authored
      because it can couse problem with Query cache (BUG#14767)
        BUG#14767 test suite.
        BUG#14767 test suite.
        Query cache invalidation table we was inserting in just after
        unlocking table added to avoid the race condition as we had
        with SP.
        Query cache invalidation table we was inserting in just after
        unlocking table added to avoid the race condition as we had
        with SP.
        We should prohibit concurent read of unserting file in SP
        because it can cause problem with query cache.
  9. 14 Mar, 2006 5 commits
  10. 13 Mar, 2006 3 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Fixed bug#17366: Unchecked Item_int results in server crash · 1da91c4a
      unknown authored
      When there is conjunction of conds, the substitute_for_best_equal_field()
      will call the eliminate_item_equal() function in loop to build final
      expression. But if eliminate_item_equal() finds that some cond will always
      evaluate to 0, then that cond will be substituted by Item_int with value ==
      0. In this case on the next iteration eliminate_item_equal() will get that 
      Item_int and treat it as Item_cond. This is leads to memory corruption and
      server crash on cleanup phase.
      To the eliminate_item_equal() function was added DBUG_ASSERT for checking
      that all items treaten as Item_cond are really Item_cond.
      The substitute_for_best_equal_field() now checks that if
      eliminate_item_equal() returns Item_int and it's value is 0 then this 
      value is returned as the result of whole conjunction.
        Added test for bug#17366: Unchecked Item_int results in server crash
         Added test for bug#17366: Unchecked Item_int results in server crash
        Fixed bug#17366: Unchecked Item_int results in server crash
        To the eliminate_item_equal() function was added DBUG_ASSERT for checking
        that all items treaten as Item_cond are really Item_cond.
        The substitute_for_best_equal_field() now checks that if
        eliminate_item_equal() returns something other than Item_cond and if it is
        then this value is returned as the result of whole conjunction.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge perch.ndb.mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/50-work · 8e119caf
      unknown authored
      into  perch.ndb.mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/mysql-5.0
        Auto merged
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge perch.ndb.mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/41-work · 49acc6b1
      unknown authored
      into  perch.ndb.mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/mysql-4.1
        Auto merged