1. 28 Oct, 2010 4 commits
  2. 27 Oct, 2010 9 commits
  3. 26 Oct, 2010 4 commits
    • Inaam Rana's avatar
      Bug #57611 ibdata file and continuous growing undo logs · b91f6c72
      Inaam Rana authored
        Fix handling of update_undo_logs at trx commit. Previously, when
        rseg->update_undo_list grows beyond 500 the update_undo_logs were
        marked with state TRX_UNDO_TO_FREE which should have been
        In 5.5 we don't need the heuristic as we support multiple rollback
        Approved by: Sunny Bains
    • Inaam Rana's avatar
    • Inaam Rana's avatar
      Bug #57611 ibdata file and continuous growing undo logs · cb64e660
      Inaam Rana authored
      Fix handling of update_undo_logs at trx commit. Previously, when
      rseg->update_undo_list grows beyond 500 the update_undo_logs were
      marked with state TRX_UNDO_TO_FREE which should have been
      Approved by: Sunny Bains
    • kevin.lewis@oracle.com's avatar
      Bug#57720 - Windows Vista and possibly Windows 7 can return ERROR_TIMEOUT... · 2dad3c94
      kevin.lewis@oracle.com authored
      Bug#57720 - Windows Vista and possibly Windows 7 can return ERROR_TIMEOUT instead of WAIT_TIMEOUT from calls to SleepConditionVariableCS() which is used in os0sync.c; os_cond_wait_timeout() where it is mapped to sleep_condition_variable().   
      Consider ERROR_TIMEOUT to be a timeout just like WAIT_TIMEOUT.  
      In addition, test for EINTR as a possible return value from pthread_cond_timeout() in the posix section of os_cond_wait_timeout(), even though it is not supposed to be returned, but just to be safe.
  4. 25 Oct, 2010 1 commit
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      Bug #57689: mysql_change_user() breaks user connection on older clients · 777ad2dd
      Georgi Kodinov authored
      COM_CHANGE_USER was always handled like an implicit request to change the
      client plugin, so that the client can re-use the same code path for both normal 
      login and COM_CHANGE_USER. However this doesn't really work well with old 
      clients because they don't understand the request to change a client plugin.
      Fixed by implementing a special state in the code (and old client issuing 
      COM_CHANGE_USER). In this state the server parses the COM_CHANGE_USER 
      package and pushes back the password hash, the user name and the database 
      to the input stream in the same order that the native password server side plugin 
      expects. As a result it replies with an OK/FAIL just like the old server does thus
      making the new server compatible with older clients.
      No test case added, since it would requre an old client binary. Tested using 
      accounts with and without passwords. Tested with a correct and incorrect 
  5. 27 Oct, 2010 4 commits
  6. 26 Oct, 2010 5 commits
  7. 25 Oct, 2010 8 commits
  8. 23 Oct, 2010 2 commits
    • 's avatar
      Manual merge · f11fc602
    • 's avatar
      Bug#27606 GRANT statement should be replicated with DEFINER information · 180e74bd
      "Grantor" columns' data is lost when replicating mysql.tables_priv.
      Slave SQL thread used its default user ''@'' as the grantor of GRANT|REVOKE
      statements executing on it.
      In this patch, current user is put in query log event for all GRANT and REVOKE
      statement, SQL thread uses the user in query log event as grantor.
  9. 22 Oct, 2010 3 commits