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  1. 01 Mar, 2007 1 commit
    • marko's avatar
      Merge changes from MySQL AB: · ed18169c
      marko authored
      ChangeSet@1.2452, 2007-02-23 13:13:55+02:00, +177 -0
        Fixed compiler warnings
        Fixed compiler warnings detected on windows64
  2. 22 Jan, 2007 1 commit
  3. 18 Jan, 2007 1 commit
    • marko's avatar
      Merge r1239 from · 4c643e0e
      marko authored
      branches/zip: Make mutex_own() work with UNIV_DEBUG, without UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG.
  4. 21 Nov, 2006 1 commit
  5. 12 Oct, 2006 1 commit
  6. 12 Sep, 2006 1 commit
    • marko's avatar
      Reduce the size of the data dictionary cache. (Bug #20877) · 1c1026ec
      marko authored
      dtype_t: Remove unused field "prec", which was supposed to be used for
      the precision of decimal columns in stand-alone InnoDB.
      dtype_get_prec(): Remove.
      dtype_set(), dict_mem_table_add_col(): Remove parameter "prec".
      dtype_t: Turn all fields (mtype, prtype, len, mbminlen, mbmaxlen, len)
      into bit-fields.
      dict_table_t, dict_index_t, dict_tree_t: Omit magic_n from non-debug builds.
      dict_col_t: Turn ind, clust_pos, and ord_part into bit-fields.
      Replace the default clust_pos value ULINT_UNDEFINED with
      REC_MAX_N_FIELDS and replace all references to clust_pos with calls to
      the accessor function dict_col_get_clust_pos().
      dict_field_t: Turn prefix_len and fixed_len into bit-fields.
      dict_tree_t: Remove pad[64].
      dict_table_t: Turn the fields ibd_file_missing, tablespace_discarded,
      cached, flags, stat_initialized, and autoinc_inited into bit-fields.
      Remove does_not_fit_in_memory from non-debug builds.
      dict_index_t: Turn the fields trx_id_offset, n_user_defined_cols,
      n_uniq, n_def, n_fields, n_nullable, and cached into bit-fields.
      dict_foreign_struct: Turn n_fields and type into bit-fields.
      rw_lock_t: Turn cline, last_s_line, and last_x_line into bit-fields.
      Omit level unless #defined UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG.
      from rem0rec.c to rem0types.h, as they are needed in dict0dict.ic.
      dict_col_get_clust_pos(): Map REC_MAX_N_FIELDS to ULINT_UNDEFINED.
  7. 28 Aug, 2006 1 commit
    • marko's avatar
      Reindent the code base (except for ha_innodb.{cc,h} and generated parser · 8f18616e
      marko authored
      and lexer files).  From now on, the following Emacs cc-mode settings apply
      when indenting C function bodies in InnoDB:
      (setq c-basic-offset 8)
      (setq c-label-minimum-indentation 0)
      (add-to-list 'c-offsets-alist '(c . 0))
      (add-to-list 'c-offsets-alist '(label . [0]))
      The indentation rules for function declarations still have not been
      formalized, and they must be formatted manually.
      Try to limit all lines to at most 79 characters (assuming TAB stops every
      8 characters) by splitting lines before opening parenthesis, or at
      string constants.
      Fix some grammar mistakes in diagnostic output:
       match to, match with -> match
       found from -> found in
       trying rename -> trying to rename
      Fix an error in page_check_dir(): it said "supremum not pointed to"
      when the infimum was not pointed to.
      Enclose commented-out code snippets in #if 0 ... #endif instead of /* ... */.
      Add (void*) casts to some %p parameters in fprintf() calls.  Try to
      split lines before a binary operator, not after one.  (These three fixes
      were not made everywhere.)
  8. 28 Apr, 2006 2 commits
  9. 16 Mar, 2006 1 commit
  10. 21 Feb, 2006 1 commit
  11. 27 Oct, 2005 1 commit