Commit daa86157 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent a62c4e9c
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from golang import sync, context
group4 = ''
group6 = 'ff15:7079:7468:6f6e:6465:6d6f:6d63:6173'
group6 = 'ff1e:7079:7468:6f6e:6465:6d6f:6d63:6173'
port = 5678
def _udpsockfor(ipaddr): # -> (sk, isipv6)
......@@ -67,7 +67,14 @@ nsenter --net=A -- ip route add dev a1 # NOTE on A
nsenter --net=A -- ip route append dev a2 # to _both_ a1 and a2
# mount private /var/run so that smcrouted can be started
# we start will start it only in A, so keeping /var/run shared to everywhere,
# even if dirty, is ok.
mount -t tmpfs none /var/run
# open terminals in A B C for play
nsenter --net=B -- xfce4-terminal --title=B &
nsenter --net=C -- xfce4-terminal --title=C &
nsenter --net=A -- xfce4-terminal --title=A &
nsenter --net=A -- xfce4-terminal --title=A2 &
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