Commit 467c573c authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X fs1: Load of deleted oid should return "no data"

parent 35eb77b2
......@@ -67,28 +67,51 @@ func (txe *txnEntry) DataTid() zodb.Tid {
return dataTid
// successfull result of load for an oid
type oidLoadedOk struct {
// state of an object in the database for some particular revision
type objState struct {
tid zodb.Tid
data []byte
data []byte // nil if obj was deleted
// checkLoad verifies that fs.Load(xid) returns expected result
func checkLoad(t *testing.T, fs *FileStorage, xid zodb.Xid, expect oidLoadedOk) {
func checkLoad(t *testing.T, fs *FileStorage, xid zodb.Xid, expect objState) {
buf, tid, err := fs.Load(context.Background(), xid)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("load %v: %v", xid, err)
if tid != expect.tid {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned tid unexpected: %v ; want: %v", xid, tid, expect.tid)
switch {
case buf == nil:
t.Errorf("load %v: returned buf = nil", xid)
// deleted obj - it should load with "no data
if == nil {
errOk := &zodb.ErrXidMissing{Xid: xid}
e, ok := err.(*zodb.ErrXidMissing)
if !(ok && *e == *errOk) {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned err unexpected: %v ; want: %v", xid, err, errOk)
if tid != 0 {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned tid unexpected: %v ; want: %v", xid, tid, expect.tid)
if buf != nil {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned buf != nil", xid)
// regular load
} else {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned err unexpected: %v ; want: nil", xid, err)
case !reflect.DeepEqual(buf.Data, // NOTE reflect to catch nil != ""
t.Errorf("load %v: different data:\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", xid, buf.Data,
if tid != expect.tid {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned tid unexpected: %v ; want: %v", xid, tid, expect.tid)
switch {
case buf == nil:
t.Errorf("load %v: returned buf = nil", xid)
case !reflect.DeepEqual(buf.Data, // NOTE reflect to catch nil != ""
t.Errorf("load %v: different data:\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", xid, buf.Data,
......@@ -106,7 +129,7 @@ func TestLoad(t *testing.T) {
// current knowledge of what was "before" for an oid as we scan over
// data base entries
before := map[zodb.Oid]oidLoadedOk{}
before := map[zodb.Oid]objState{}
for _, dbe := range _1fs_dbEntryv {
for _, txe := range dbe.Entryv {
......@@ -115,12 +138,10 @@ func TestLoad(t *testing.T) {
// XXX check Load finds data at correct .Pos / etc ?
// loadSerial
// TODO also test for getting error when not found
xid := zodb.Xid{zodb.XTid{txh.Tid, false}, txh.Oid}
checkLoad(t, fs, xid, oidLoadedOk{txh.Tid, txe.Data()})
checkLoad(t, fs, xid, objState{txh.Tid, txe.Data()})
// loadBefore
// TODO also test for getting error when not found
xid = zodb.Xid{zodb.XTid{txh.Tid, true}, txh.Oid}
expect, ok := before[txh.Oid]
if ok {
......@@ -129,9 +150,9 @@ func TestLoad(t *testing.T) {
// loadBefore to get current record
xid.Tid += 1
checkLoad(t, fs, xid, oidLoadedOk{txh.Tid, txe.Data()})
checkLoad(t, fs, xid, objState{txh.Tid, txe.Data()})
before[txh.Oid] = oidLoadedOk{txh.Tid, txe.Data()}
before[txh.Oid] = objState{txh.Tid, txe.Data()}
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