Commit 993ef469 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 8d23a6cc
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Implementation notes
The channel for tracing communication in between driver and traced process is
passed as opened file descriptor by driver, and its number is specified via
$PYRUNTRACED_FD environment variable.
<fd> commandline argument.
The protocol in between driver and traced process is as follows (from the point
of view of traced process):
......@@ -50,14 +50,18 @@ of view of traced process):
> tid T eventname event # event happenned on a thread
< tid C # driver tells tracee to continue execution
< tid !... # driver asks tracee to evaluate ... in context where probe is attached
> tid E problem # tracee reports result as exception
> tid E exception # tracee reports result as exception
> tid R result # tracee reports result
eventname is just regular string
event, problem, result are JSON-encoded objects.
event, exception, result are JSON-encoded objects.
Fork is not allowed in order not to confuse the driver(*).
Tracepoints and probes definitions are provided in separate files that are
passed as <trace>* command line arguments.
(*) fork could be supported by making every new process to reattach to the
driver via new file descriptor - e.g. connecting via socket.
......@@ -217,26 +221,57 @@ def trace_entry(func, eventname):
import os, sys, code, runpy
def usage(out):
print >>out, "Usage: pyruntraced <fd> <trace>* -- ..."
def die(msg):
print >>sys.stderr, msg
# main mimics `python ...`,
# but with tracepoints already attached.
def main():
argv = sys.argv[1:]
if not argv:
# setup global tracer
global gtracer
fdtrace = os.getenv("PYRUNTRACED_FD")
if fdtrace is None:
print >>sys.stderr, "$PYRUNTRACED_FD must be set"
fdtrace = argv[0]
fdtrace = int(fdtrace)
ftrace = os.fdopen(fdtrace, 'r+')
gtracer = Tracer(ftrace)
argv = argv[1:]
# forbid fork (see top-level description about why)
def nofork(): raise RuntimeError('pyruntraced: fork forbidden')
os.fork = nofork
os.forkpty = nofork
# load trace probes
# NOTE list of trace files to load might be empty
tracev = []
dashdash = False
for i, arg in enumerate(argv):
if arg == '--':
dashdash = True
if arg.startswith('-'):
die("option '%s' goes before '--'" % arg)
if not dashdash:
die("no '--' found")
argv = argv[i+1:]
for t in tracev:
# load in current context so that e.g. @trace_entry is visible in the
# tracing code.
execfile(t, globals())
# now mimic `python ...`
argv = sys.argv[1:]
# interactive console
if not argv:
......@@ -260,8 +295,7 @@ def main():
runpy.run_module(sys.argv[0], init_globals={'__doc__': None}, run_name='__main__')
elif argv[0].startswith('-'):
print >>sys.stderr, "invalid option '%s'" % argv[0]
die("invalid option '%s'" % argv[0])
# file
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