Commit e6d7a736 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 89583030
......@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ import (
type PyData []byte
// ClassName returns fully-qualified python class name used for object type.
// The format is "module.class".
// If pickle decoding fails "?.?" is returned.
// If pickle decoding fails - "?.?" is returned.
func (d PyData) ClassName() string {
// see ObjectReader.getClassName & get_pickle_metadata in zodb/py
p := pickle.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader([]byte(d)))
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ type Dumper interface {
// Dump dumps content of a FileStorage file @ path.
// To do so it reads file header and then iterates over all transactions in the file.
// The logic to actually output information and, if needed read/process data, is implemented by Dumper d.
func Dump(w io.Writer, path string, dir fs1.IterDir, d Dumper) (err error) {
......@@ -132,7 +133,6 @@ type DumperFsDump struct {
// for loading data
dhLoading fs1.DataHeader
// data []byte
func (d *DumperFsDump) DumperName() string {
......@@ -174,31 +174,27 @@ func (d *DumperFsDump) DumpTxn(buf *xfmt.Buffer, it *fs1.Iter) error {
// load actual data
d.dhLoading = *dh
dataBuf, err := d.dhLoading.LoadData(it.R)
dbuf, err := d.dhLoading.LoadData(it.R)
if err != nil {
return err
if dataBuf == nil {
if dbuf.Data == nil {
buf .S(" class=undo or abort of object creation")
} else {
fullclass := zodb.PyData(dataBuf.Data).ClassName()
fullclass := zodb.PyData(dbuf.Data).ClassName()
buf .S(" size=") .D64(d.dhLoading.DataLen)
buf .S(" class=") .S(fullclass)
if dh.DataLen == 0 && dataBuf != nil {
if dh.DataLen == 0 && dbuf.Data != nil {
// it was backpointer - print tid of transaction it points to
buf .S(" bp=") .V(d.dhLoading.Tid)
// XXX avoid `if != nil`
if dataBuf != nil {
buf .S("\n")
return nil
......@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ Error:
// ParseTidRange parses string of form "<tidmin>..<tidmax>" into tidMin, tidMax pair
// both <tidmin> and <tidmax> can be empty, in which case defaults 0 and TidMax are returned
// XXX also check tidMin < tidMax here? or allow reverse ranges ?
func ParseTidRange(s string) (tidMin, tidMax Tid, err error) {
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import (
// TimeStamp is the same as time.Time only .String() is adjusted to be the same as in ZODB/py.
// XXX get rid eventually of this
// XXX get rid eventually of this and just use time.Time.
type TimeStamp struct {
......@@ -17,9 +17,12 @@
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
// XXX partly based on ZODB/py
// Package zodb defines types, interfaces and errors used in ZODB databases
// Package zodb defines types, interfaces and errors to work with ZODB databases.
// ZODB ( was originally created in Python world by Jim Fulton et al.
// Data model this package provides is partly based on ZODB/py
// ( to maintain compatibility in
// between Python and Go implementations.
package zodb
import (
......@@ -27,12 +30,65 @@ import (
// ZODB types
type Tid uint64 // transaction identifier
type Oid uint64 // object identifier
// ---- data model ----
// Tid is transaction identifier.
// In ZODB transaction identifiers are unique 64-bit integer connected to time
// when corresponding transaction was created.
type Tid uint64
// ZODB/py defines maxtid to be max signed int64 since baee84a6 (Jun 7 2016)
// (XXX in neo: SQLite does not accept numbers above 2^63-1)
const TidMax Tid = 1<<63 - 1 // 0x7fffffffffffffff
// XTid is "extended" transaction identifier. It defines a transaction for
// oid lookup - either exactly by serial, or by < beforeTid.
// Oid is object identifier.
// In ZODB objects are uniquely identified by 64-bit integer.
// Every object can have several revisions - each committed in different transaction.
// The combination of object identifier and particular transaction (serial)
// uniquely addresses corresponding data record.
// See also: Xid.
type Oid uint64
// TxnMeta is metadata information about one transaction.
type TxnMeta struct {
Tid Tid
Status TxnStatus
User []byte
Description []byte
Extension []byte
// XXX +TxnInfo = TxnMeta + []DataInfo ?
// DataInfo represents information about one data record.
type DataInfo struct {
Oid Oid
Tid Tid
Data []byte // nil means: deleted XXX -> *Buf ?
// original tid data was committed (e.g. in case of undo)
// FIXME we don't really need this and this unnecessarily constraints interfaces.
DataTid Tid
// TxnStatus represents status of a transaction
type TxnStatus byte
const (
TxnComplete TxnStatus = ' ' // completed transaction that hasn't been packed
TxnPacked = 'p' // completed transaction that has been packed
TxnInprogress = 'c' // checkpoint -- a transaction in progress; it's been thru vote() but not finish()
// XTid is "extended" transaction identifier.
// It defines a transaction for oid lookup - either exactly by serial, or by < beforeTid.
type XTid struct {
TidBefore bool // XXX merge into Tid itself (high bit) ?
......@@ -46,27 +102,10 @@ type Xid struct {
// XXX add XidBefore() and XidSerial() as syntax convenience?
const (
//Tid0 Tid = 0 // XXX -> simply Tid(0) ?
TidMax Tid = 1<<63 - 1 // 0x7fffffffffffffff
// ZODB defines maxtid to be max signed int64 since baee84a6 (Jun 7 2016)
// (XXX in neo: SQLite does not accept numbers above 2^63-1)
//Oid0 Oid = 0 // XXX -> simply Oid(0)
func (tid Tid) Valid() bool {
// XXX if Tid becomes signed also check wrt 0
if tid <= TidMax {
return true
} else {
return false
// ----------------------------------------
// ---- interfaces ----
// ErrOidMissing is an error which tells that there is no such oid in the database at all
// XXX do we need distinction in between ErrOidMissing & ErrXidMissing ?
// (think how client should handle error from Load ?)
type ErrOidMissing struct {
......@@ -87,51 +126,7 @@ func (e *ErrXidMissing) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v: no matching data record found", e.Xid)
// ----------------------------------------
// TxnStatus represents status of a transaction
type TxnStatus byte
const (
TxnComplete TxnStatus = ' ' // completed transaction that hasn't been packed
TxnPacked = 'p' // completed transaction that has been packed
TxnInprogress = 'c' // checkpoint -- a transaction in progress; it's been thru vote() but not finish()
// Valid returns true if transaction status value is well-known and valid
func (ts TxnStatus) Valid() bool {
switch ts {
case TxnComplete, TxnPacked, TxnInprogress:
return true
return false
// Metadata information about single transaction
type TxnInfo struct {
Tid Tid
Status TxnStatus
User []byte
Description []byte
Extension []byte
// Information about single storage record
// XXX naming
type StorageRecordInformation struct {
Oid Oid
Tid Tid
Data []byte // nil means: deleted
// original tid data was committed (e.g. in case of undo)
// XXX we don't really need this
DataTid Tid
// IStorage is the interface provided by ZODB storages
type IStorage interface {
// XXX add invalidation channel
......@@ -141,24 +136,30 @@ type IStorage interface {
// Close closes storage
Close() error
// History(oid, size=1)
// History(ctx, oid, size=1)
// LastTid returns the id of the last committed transaction.
// if no transactions have been committed yet, LastTid returns Tid zero value
LastTid(ctx context.Context) (Tid, error)
// LastOid returns highest object id of objects committed to storage.
// if there is no data committed yet, LastOid returns Oid zero value
// XXX ZODB/py does not define this in IStorage
// if there is no data committed yet, LastOid returns Oid zero value XXX -> better -1
// XXX ZODB/py does not define this in IStorage.
LastOid(ctx context.Context) (Oid, error)
// LoadSerial and LoadBefore generalized into 1 Load (see Xid for details)
// Load loads data from database.
// XXX zodb.loadBefore() returns (data, serial, serial_next) -> add serial_next?
// The object to load is addressed by xid.
// XXX currently deleted data is returned as data.Data=nil -- is it ok?
// NOTE ZODB/py provides 2 entrypoints in IStorage: LoadSerial and
// LoadBefore. Load generalizes them into one (see Xid for details).
// XXX zodb.loadBefore() returns (data, serial, serial_next) -> add serial_next?
// XXX currently deleted data is returned as buf.Data=nil -- is it ok?
// TODO specify error when data not found -> ErrOidMissing | ErrXidMissing
Load(ctx context.Context, xid Xid) (data *Buf, serial Tid, err error) // XXX -> StorageRecordInformation ?
Load(ctx context.Context, xid Xid) (buf *Buf, serial Tid, err error) // XXX -> DataInfo ?
// Prefetch(ctx, xid Xid) (no error)
......@@ -171,23 +172,49 @@ type IStorage interface {
// tpc_finish(txn, callback) XXX clarify about callback
// tpc_abort(txn)
// Iterate creates iterator to iterate storage in [tidMin, tidMax] range.
// XXX allow iteration both ways (forward & backward)
// XXX text
Iterate(tidMin, tidMax Tid) IStorageIterator // XXX ctx , error ?
Iterate(tidMin, tidMax Tid) ITxnIterator // XXX ctx , error ?
type IStorageIterator interface {
// ITxnIterator is the interface to iterate transactions.
type ITxnIterator interface {
// NextTxn yields information about next database transaction:
// 1. transaction metadata, and
// 2. iterator over transaction data records.
// 2. iterator over transaction's data records.
// transaction metadata stays valid until next call to NextTxn().
// end of iteration is indicated with io.EOF
NextTxn() (*TxnInfo, IStorageRecordIterator, error) // XXX ctx
NextTxn() (*TxnMeta, IDataIterator, error) // XXX ctx
type IStorageRecordIterator interface { // XXX naming -> IRecordIterator
// IDataIterator is the interface to iterate data records.
type IDataIterator interface {
// NextData yields information about next storage data record.
// returned data stays valid until next call to NextData().
// end of iteration is indicated with io.EOF
NextData() (*StorageRecordInformation, error) // XXX ctx
NextData() (*DataInfo, error) // XXX ctx
// ---- misc ----
// Valid returns whether tid is in valid transaction identifiers range
func (tid Tid) Valid() bool {
// XXX if Tid becomes signed also check wrt 0
if tid <= TidMax {
return true
} else {
return false
// Valid returns true if transaction status value is well-known and valid
func (ts TxnStatus) Valid() bool {
switch ts {
case TxnComplete, TxnPacked, TxnInprogress:
return true
return false
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