Commit dbba5cde authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

ZODB, ZEO and tempstorage are also synthetic sections

Ignore them instead of complaining.
parent 3dc84b26
......@@ -87,9 +87,11 @@ def bom_software(installed_software_path): # -> {} name -> PkgInfo
# not to miss a normal part.
url = part.get('url', None)
if url is None:
if s == 'gcc': # [gcc] is generic section to either use system gcc, or install one via slapos
continue # the one installed via slapos will come in its own section
if s == 'python': # [python] is similar - it picks up either python2 or python3
# [gcc] is generic section to either use system gcc, or install one via slapos
# the one installed via slapos will come in its own section
# [python] is similar - it picks up python2 or python3
# ZODB, ZEO, ... are similar as well
if s in ('gcc', 'python', 'ZODB', 'ZEO', 'tempstorage'):
raise NotImplementedError('%s uses %s without url' % (s, recipe))
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ url =
ncurses 6.2
for x in ('gcc', 'python'):
for x in ('gcc', 'python', 'ZODB', 'ZEO', 'tempstorage'):
recipe =
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