• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    libgolang/{gevent,thread}: Preserve Python-level exception in runtime calls · 47fac0a9
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Gevent runtime uses python-level calls internally which might interfere
    with current python state. For example if current python exception is
    set, and e.g. go or makesema runtime call is made, the following
        golang/golang_test.py::test_pyx_runtime_vs_pyexc RuntimeError: abc
        The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
        SystemError: <class 'gevent.__semaphore.Semaphore'> returned a result with an error set
        Exception ignored in: 'golang.runtime._runtime_gevent._sema_alloc'
        SystemError: <class 'gevent.__semaphore.Semaphore'> returned a result with an error set
        terminate called after throwing an instance of 'golang::PanicError'
          what():  makesema: alloc failed
        Fatal Python error: Aborted
    -> Fix all functions in the runtimes that work at Python level to
       save/restore Python-level exception on entry/exit.
    This is mostly gevent runtime, but also a couple of non-posix fallbacks in
    thread runtime.
    The bug was there from day 1 of runtimes - from ce8152a2 (pyx api:
    Provide sleep), f971a2a8 (pyx api: Provide go) and 69db91bf (libgolang:
    Add internal semaphores).
_golang_test.pyx 10.9 KB