Commit 4b131b9e authored by Juho Snellman's avatar Juho Snellman

Add a schedule_in_range method

- Schedules timer in optimized slot, within the provided range
  - If timeout is already in right range, do nothing.
  - If timer can be scheduled at a slot boundary such that it does
    not need to be promoted to another wheel, do that.
  - In general prefer scheduling as late in the range as possible.
parent d374b0ef
......@@ -207,6 +207,54 @@ bool test_ticks_to_next_event() {
return true;
bool test_schedule_in_range() {
typedef std::function<void()> Callback;
TimerWheel timers;
TimerEvent<Callback> timer([] () { });
// No useful rounding possible.
timers.schedule_in_range(&timer, 281, 290);
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(), 290);
// Pick a time aligned at slot boundary if possible.
timers.schedule_in_range(&timer, 256*4 - 1, 256*5 - 1);
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(), 256*4);
timers.schedule_in_range(&timer, 256*4 + 1, 256*5);
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(), 256*5);
// Event already in right range.
timers.schedule_in_range(&timer, 256*1, 256*10);
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(), 256*5);
// Event canceled, but was previously scheduled in
// the right range. Should be ignored, and scheduled
// as normal to the end of the range.
timers.schedule_in_range(&timer, 256*1, 256*10);
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(), 256*10);
// Make sure the decision on whether timer is in range or
// not is done based on absolute ticks, not relative ticks.
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(), 256*1);
timers.schedule_in_range(&timer, 256*9, 256*10);
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(), 256*10);
// Try scheduling timers in random ranges.
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
int len1 = rand() % 20;
int len2 = rand() % 20;
int r1 = rand() % (1 << len1);
int r2 = r1 + (1 + rand() % (1 << len2));
timers.schedule_in_range(&timer, r1, r2);
EXPECT(timers.ticks_to_next_event() >= r1);
EXPECT(timers.ticks_to_next_event() <= r2);
return true;
bool test_reschedule_from_timer() {
typedef std::function<void()> Callback;
TimerWheel timers;
......@@ -296,6 +344,7 @@ int main(void) {
......@@ -160,6 +160,33 @@ public:
void schedule_in_range(TimerEventInterface* event,
Tick start, Tick end) {
assert(end > start);
if (event->active()) {
auto current = event->scheduled_at() - now_;
// Event is already scheduled to happen in this range. Instead
// of always using the old slot, we could check compute the
// new slot and switch iff it's aligned better than the old one.
// But it seems hard to believe that could be worthwhile.
if (current >= start && current <= end) {
// Zero as many bits (in WIDTH_BITS chunks) as possible
// from "end" while still keeping the output in the
// right range.
Tick mask = ~0;
while ((start & mask) != (end & mask)) {
mask = (mask << WIDTH_BITS);
Tick delta = end & (mask >> WIDTH_BITS);
schedule(event, delta);
// Return the current tick value. Note that if the timers advance by
// multiple ticks during a single call to advance(), the value of now()
// will be the tick on which the timer was first run. Not the tick that
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