Commit 03c4f853 authored by Bob Van Zant's avatar Bob Van Zant


parent 426c9f74
# -*- Mode: Text -*-
Coro runs on FreeBSD and linux on i386 and amd64 architectures.
Coro runs on FreeBSD 4/5 on either x86/x86_64 (aka amd64).
It could probably be run on Linux or other x86 unix flavors if a
version of kqueue_poller() was written for select/poll/etc...,
depending on the platform.
It requires cython to build (/usr/ports/lang/cython on FreeBSD or your
package manager of choice on linux).
Currently, coro requires a few small changes to both Python and
Pyrex to support the 'long long' 64-bit data type. The scheduler
heavily uses 64-bit TSC (x86 timestamp counter) as its internal clock
mechanism, so it's important that Pyrex be able to manipulate these
$ python build
# python install
python.patch is a patch against Python-2.4a3
pyrex.patch is a patch against Pyrex-0.9.3
Once the patches have been applied, you should be able to:
$ python build install
Once installed it requires aplib, also in the IronPort github area, as a runtime dependency.
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