Commit 34012c07 authored by Sam Rushing's avatar Sam Rushing

reimplemnted in cython

parent f9f55b39
# -*- Mode: Python; tab-width: 4 -*-
# SMR 2012: originally from dynwin, circa 1995-96.
# modernized, replace some funs with generators
# Cython version.
# Quad-Tree. A 2D spatial data structure.
# Used to quickly locate 'objects' within a particular region. Each
# node in the tree represents a rectangular region, while its children
# represent that region split into four quadrants. An 'object' is
# stored at a particular level if it is contained within that region,
# but will not fit into any of the individual quadrants inside it.
# If an object is inserted into a quadtree that 'overflows' the current
# boundaries, the tree is re-rooted in a larger space.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# regions
# do two rectangular regions intersect?
# +--->
# | lb,tb-------+
# | | |
# | la,ta--+-----+ |
# | | | | |
# | | +-----+-rb,bb
# V | |
# +--------ra,ba
# a rect is (left,top,right,bottom)
# top is < bottom, left is < right
# proof: imagine all possible cases in 1 dimension,
# (there are six) and then generalize. simplify the
# expression and you get this. (trust me 8^)
cimport cython
from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, uint32_t
ctypedef struct rect:
int32_t l,t,r,b
cdef bint intersects (rect * a, rect * b):
return a.r >= b.l and b.r >= a.l and a.b >= b.t and b.b >= a.t
# does region <a> fully contain region <b>?
cdef bint contains (rect * a, rect * b):
return a.l <= b.l and a.r >= b.r and a.t <= b.t and a.b >= b.b
cdef void union (rect * a, rect * b, rect * c):
c.l = min (a.l, b.l)
c.t = min (a.l, b.l)
c.r = max (a.r, b.r)
c.b = max (a.b, b.b)
# split a rect into four quadrants
@cython.cdivision (True)
cdef split (rect * x, rect * p):
cdef int32_t w2 = ((x.r - x.l) // 2) + x.l
cdef int32_t h2 = ((x.b - x.t) // 2) + x.t
p[0].l = x.l; p[0].t = x.t; p[0].r = w2; p[0].b = h2
p[1].l = w2; p[1].t = x.t; p[1].r = x.r; p[1].b = h2
p[2].l = x.l; p[2].t = h2; p[2].r = w2; p[2].b = x.b
p[3].l = w2; p[3].t = h2; p[3].r = x.r; p[3].b = x.b
cdef inline set_rect (rect * x, int32_t l, int32_t t, int32_t r, int32_t b):
x.l = l; x.t = t; x.r = r; x.b = b
import sys
W = sys.stderr.write
cdef rect_repr (rect * r):
return '(%d,%d,%d,%d)' % (r.l, r.t, r.r, r.b)
class QuadtreeError (Exception):
cdef class node:
cdef list quads
cdef set obs
def __init__ (self, quads=None):
if quads is None:
self.quads = [None, None, None, None]
self.quads = quads
self.obs = set()
cdef insert (self, rect * r, ob ob):
cdef rect parts[4]
cdef node q
if r.r - r.l <= 16:
# degenerate rectangle, store here
self.obs.add (ob)
split (r, parts)
for i in range (4):
q = self.quads[i]
if contains (&parts[i], &ob.rect):
if q is None:
self.quads[i] = q = node()
q.insert (&parts[i], ob)
self.obs.add (ob)
# delete a particular object from the tree.
cdef delete (self, rect * r, ob ob):
cdef rect parts[4]
cdef node q
if self.obs:
self.obs.remove (ob)
return self.obs or any (self.quads)
except KeyError:
# object not stored here
split (r, parts)
for i in range (4):
q = self.quads[i]
if q is not None and intersects (&parts[i], &ob.rect):
if not q.delete (&parts[i], ob):
self.quads[i] = None
return self.obs or any (self.quads)
return self.obs or any (self.quads)
def gen_all (self):
cdef node x
if self.obs is not None:
for ob in self.obs:
yield ob
for i in range (4):
if self.quads[i] is not None:
x = self.quads[i]
for y in x.gen_all():
yield y
cdef search (self, rect * tree_rect, rect * search_rect, list result):
cdef rect parts[4], x
cdef node q
cdef ob ob
split (tree_rect, parts)
# copy the set to avoid 'set changed size during iteration'
for ob in list (self.obs):
if intersects (search_rect, &ob.rect):
result.append (ob)
for i in range (4):
if self.quads[i] is not None and intersects (&parts[i], search_rect):
q = self.quads[i] (&parts[i], search_rect, result)
cdef class ob:
"base class for objects to be stored in the quad tree"
cdef rect rect
def set_rect (self, int32_t l, int32_t t, int32_t r, int32_t b):
"set this object's bounding rectangle"
set_rect (&self.rect, l, t, r, b)
def get_rect (self):
return (self.rect.l, self.rect.t, self.rect.r, self.rect.b)
property rect:
def __get__ (self):
return (self.rect.l, self.rect.t, self.rect.r, self.rect.b)
def __set__ (self, value):
l,t,r,b = value
set_rect (&self.rect, l, t, r, b)
property upper_left:
def __get__ (self):
return self.rect.l, self.rect.t
property width:
def __get__ (self):
return self.rect.r - self.rect.l
property height:
def __get__ (self):
return self.rect.b - self.rect.t
def range_check (self, int32_t l, int32_t t, int32_t r, int32_t b):
return self.rect.l >= l and self.rect.r <= r and self.rect.t >= t and self.rect.b <= b
cdef class quadtree:
cdef node tree
cdef rect rect
cdef uint32_t num_obs
def __init__ (self, rect=(0,0,16,16)):
set_rect (&self.rect, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3])
self.tree = node()
self.num_obs = 0
def __repr__ (self):
return '<quad tree (objects:%d) rect:(%d,%d,%d,%d)>' % (
def insert (self, ob ob):
cdef int32_t w, h
cdef node new_root
while not contains (&self.rect, &ob.rect):
w = self.rect.r - self.rect.l
h = self.rect.b - self.rect.t
# favor growing right and down
if (ob.rect.r > self.rect.r) or (ob.rect.b > self.rect.b):
# resize, placing original in the upper left
self.rect.r += w
self.rect.b += h
self.tree = node ([self.tree, None, None, None])
elif (ob.rect.l < self.rect.l) or (ob.rect.t < self.rect.t):
# resize, placing original in the lower right
self.rect.l -= w
self.rect.t -= h
self.tree = node ([None, None, None, self.tree])
# we know the target rect fits in our space
self.tree.insert (&self.rect, ob)
self.num_obs += 1
def gen_all (self):
for ob in self.tree.gen_all():
yield ob
def search (self, search_rect):
cdef list result
cdef rect r
r.l, r.t, r.r, r.b = search_rect
result = [] (&self.rect, &r, result)
return result
def delete (self, ob ob):
cdef rect r
self.tree.delete (&self.rect, ob)
# XXX this is bad, it assumes the object was deleted
self.num_obs -= 1
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