Commit 77b2f5e9 authored by Bob Van Zant's avatar Bob Van Zant


parent 03c4f853
# -*- Mode: Text -*-
This Python library was evolved at IronPort Systems and has been provided
as open source by Cisco Systems under an MIT license.
Shrapnel is a high-performance threading/coroutine library built
around FreeBSD's kqueue() system call. It's designed for
single-process servers that can handle 10,000+ simultaneous network
......@@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ restrictions on coroutine switching, and easily allow for complex
extensions written in C or Pyrex.
Shrapnel's overall design is very similar to the previous coro
systems. There is a 'main' coroutine, which acts as the scheduler,
and uses the normal/default stack. All other coroutines live on a
......@@ -54,7 +52,7 @@ stacks rather than just one].
frame, and insn pointers in/out of the coro structure.]
Shrapnel uses a very simple round-robin scheduler. All ready coros
(in the <staging> list) are run. When a running coro needs to
schedule itself (or any other coro), it appends the coro to the
......@@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ adding them to the <pending> list). Before entering the main run loop
we schedule any time-based events that have expired.
Priority Queue
A priority queue is used to store future events by time. There are
two kinds of events stored here: timebombs and sleeping coroutines.
At the top of the event loop, events which have expired are popped off
......@@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ the priority queue and scheduled. The priority queue is implemented
using a heap.
The with_timeout() call places a <timebomb> object onto the priority
queue. If this object expires *before* the called function has
returned, an Interrupted exception will be raised on that coroutine.
......@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ TimeoutError. This design allows multiple outstanding timebombs on
the same coroutine.
A coroutine goes to sleep by calling sleep_relative() or
sleep_absolute(). This places the coroutine on the priority queue
with the desired trigger time. Once this time has arrived, the
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