Commit 85412a95 authored by Sam Rushing's avatar Sam Rushing

modernized postgres module

parent 07194035
# -*- Mode: Python -*-
import postgres
# -*- Mode: Python -*-
from postgres import *
This diff is collapsed.
# -*- Mode: Cython; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# need to generalize this, make a module of it
from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, uint8_t
cdef class unpacker:
cdef readonly bytes data
cdef unsigned char * d
cdef readonly int len
cdef readonly int pos
def __init__ (self, bytes data): = data
self.d = data
self.len = len(data)
self.pos = 0
cpdef need (self, int n):
if self.pos + n > self.len:
raise IndexError (self.len, self.pos +n)
cpdef uint8_t u8 (self):
"unpack a uint8_t"
cdef uint8_t r
self.need (1)
r = self.d[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
return r
cpdef char c (self):
"unpack a single character"
cdef char r
self.need (1)
r = self.d[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
return r
cpdef uint16_t lu16 (self):
"unpack a little-endian uint16_t"
cdef uint16_t r
self.need (2)
r = (self.d[self.pos+1] << 8) | self.d[self.pos]
self.pos += 2
return r
cpdef uint16_t bu16 (self):
"unpack a big-endian uint16_t"
cdef uint16_t r
self.need (2)
r = (self.d[self.pos+0] << 8) | self.d[self.pos+1]
self.pos += 2
return r
cpdef uint32_t lu32 (self):
"unpack a little-endian uint32_t"
cdef uint32_t r = 0
cdef int i
self.need (4)
for i in range (3,-1,-1):
r <<= 8
r |= self.d[self.pos+i]
self.pos += 4
return r
cpdef uint32_t bu32 (self):
"unpack a big-endian uint32_t"
cdef uint32_t r = 0
cdef int i
self.need (4)
for i in range (0, 4):
r <<= 8
r |= self.d[self.pos+i]
self.pos += 4
return r
cpdef uint64_t lu64 (self):
"unpack a little-endian uint64_t"
cdef uint64_t r = 0
cdef int i
self.need (8)
for i in range (7,-1,-1):
r <<= 8
r |= self.d[self.pos+i]
self.pos += 8
return r
cpdef uint64_t bu64 (self):
"unpack a big-endian uint64_t"
cdef uint64_t r = 0
cdef int i
self.need (8)
for i in range (0, 8):
r <<= 8
r |= self.d[self.pos+i]
self.pos += 8
return r
cpdef bytes zt (self):
"unpack a zero-terminated string"
cdef bytes result
cdef int j = self.pos
while j < self.len:
if self.d[j] == '\x00':
result = self.d[self.pos:j]
self.pos = j + 1
return result
j += 1
raise IndexError (self.len, self.len)
cpdef bytes rest (self):
"return any remaining bytes"
cdef bytes result = self.d[self.pos:self.len]
self.pos = self.len
return result
def unpack_data (bytes data, bytes formats, bint return_rest=0):
"""Unpack the data part of a packed according to format:
i: Int32
h: Int16
s: String
c: Byte1 (returned as 1-character string)
If return_rest is true, then return the rest of the
data as the last item in the list.
cdef unsigned char * pf = formats
cdef unsigned char code
cdef unpacker UP = unpacker (data)
cdef list result = []
for i in range (len (formats)):
code = pf[i]
if code == c'i':
result.append (UP.bu32())
elif code == 'h':
result.append (UP.bu16())
elif code == 'c':
result.append (UP.c())
elif code == 's':
result.append (UP.zt())
if return_rest:
result.append (
return result
# -*- Mode: Python -*-
import coro
import coro.db.postgres as PG
import struct
W = coro.write_stderr
# postgres implements the COPY FROM STDIN command inside the protocol,
# if you emit a COPY command (via SQL), it will put the connection into
# copyin mode. Feed it the exact same data you would have from a file,
# and you have a much faster way of populating a database.
class writer:
def __init__ (self, forms, fout, chunk_size=16000):
self.forms = forms
self.fout = fout
self.buffer = []
self.size = 0
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.append ('PGCOPY\n\xff\r\n\x00')
self.append (struct.pack ('>L', 0)) # flags
self.append (struct.pack ('>L', 0)) # ext len
self.count = 0
def append (self, data):
self.buffer.append (data)
self.size += len (data)
if self.size > self.chunk_size:
def flush (self):
block, self.buffer = self.buffer, []
self.size = 0
block = ''.join (block)
self.fout (block)
def write_row (self, row):
row_data = [struct.pack ('>h', len(row))]
for i in range (len (self.forms)):
if row[i] is None:
row_data.append (struct.pack ('>l', -1))
data = struct.pack ('>%s' % (self.forms[i],), row[i])
row_data.append (struct.pack ('>l', len(data)))
row_data.append (data)
self.count += 1
self.append (''.join (row_data,))
def done (self):
self.append (struct.pack ('>h', -1))
def t0():
db = PG.postgres_client ('t0', 'foo', 'bar')
db.Q ('drop table squares;')
except PG.QueryError:
db.Q ('create table squares (n int, n2 int);')
db.query ('copy squares from stdin binary;')
w = writer (('i', 'i'), db.putline)
for i in range (1000):
w.write_row ([i, i*i])
coro.spawn (t0)
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