Commit 4a1010f2 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

idmap: Don't skip 1-99 hole in IDs

Instead remap user IDs that we have to continous [0, ...] IDs in the target namespace.

We need to be able to use e.g. tty group from inside (gid=5), because
glibc.openpty wants to chwon files in /dev/pts to that group.

See next patch for /dev/pts setup.
parent 26de4e95
...@@ -117,7 +117,11 @@ def subid_allowed(subid_file): ...@@ -117,7 +117,11 @@ def subid_allowed(subid_file):
def idmap_trysetup_viashadow(kind, pid): def idmap_trysetup_viashadow(kind, pid):
myid = getattr(os, "get"+kind)() myid = getattr(os, "get"+kind)()
argv = ["new%smap" % kind, "%d" % pid, "0", "%d" % myid, "1"] # includes 0 <- uid which is always allowed argv = ["new%smap" % kind, "%d" % pid, "0", "%d" % myid, "1"] # includes 0 <- uid which is always allowed
x = 100
# find out other ID ranges that we can use. Start remapping to [1, ...].
# We need low IDs to be present, because e.g. glibc.openpty wants to do
# chown(:tty) and "tty" GID=5.
x = 1
for u, count in subid_allowed("/etc/sub%s" % kind): for u, count in subid_allowed("/etc/sub%s" % kind):
argv += ["%d" % x, "%d" % u, "%d" % count] argv += ["%d" % x, "%d" % u, "%d" % count]
x = x + count x = x + count
  • @kirr This is interesting. I want to ask an unrelated question, because I also debugged similar issues without so much success in understanding what was happening under the scenes: How did you find out that it was glibc.openpty doing the chown ? is it possible to get a backtrace with gdb (or similar tracing tool) or did you just read the source code ?

  • @jerome, thanks for asking. I knew it because I debugged this problem some time ago. The way to debug was:

    • the program fails
    • I run it under strace to see what it is trying to do
    • there I saw some strange chown and before that access to /etc/groups
    • there is also ltrace which shows which dynamic functions are called (e.g. not syscalls but something in glibc). I don't recall whether it showed it was openpty or not.
    • then I was seeing openpty source code and found that place in the sources where the code was trying to do the chown.

    Here is related exceprt from jabber exchange with @alain.takoudjou:

    |2017-06-05T18:26:08|1|to|N---|I've compared the strace with another one
    |2017-06-05T18:26:16|1|to|N---|where I ssh into my another webrunner
    |2017-06-05T18:26:30|1|to|N---|it all look the same till stat(pts)
    |2017-06-05T18:26:41|1|to|N---|and on my intance then there is no chown
    |2017-06-05T18:26:50|1|to|N---|and on yours chown is invoked
    |2017-06-05T18:26:55|1|to|N---|I will read a bit about pts
    |2017-06-05T18:31:51|1|to|N---|so seems I've found
    |2017-06-05T18:32:13|1|to|N---|Before opening the pseudoterminal slave, you must pass the master's file descriptor to grantpt(3) and unlockpt(3)
    |2017-06-05T18:32:18|1|to|N---|now let's see grantpt:
    |2017-06-05T18:33:03|1|from|N---| > I read.
    |2017-06-05T18:33:20|1|to|N---| 159   /* Make sure the group of the device is that special group.  */\n 160   if (st.st_gid != gid)\n 161     {\n 162       if (__chown (buf, uid, gid) < 0)\n 163         goto helper;\n 164     }\n
    |2017-06-05T18:33:40|1|to|N---|-> thus we should check what is the git the sshd process is running under
    |2017-06-05T18:33:44|1|to|N---|I wait till you read
    |2017-06-05T18:33:47|1|to|N---|let me know when done
    |2017-06-05T18:36:28|1|from|N---|Thanks I finished to read
    |2017-06-05T18:36:42|1|to|N---|so do you see my idea why it happens?
    |2017-06-05T18:37:41|1|from|N---|it still not clear for me yet
    |2017-06-05T18:37:53|1|to|N---|in the glibc sources we have:
    |2017-06-05T18:38:02|1|to|N---| 130   /* Make sure that we own the device.  */\n 131   uid_t uid = __getuid ();\n 132   if (st.st_uid != uid)\n 133     {\n 134       if (__chown (buf, uid, st.st_gid) < 0)\n 135         goto helper;\n 136     }\n
    |2017-06-05T18:38:15|1|to|N---| 159   /* Make sure the group of the device is that special group.  */\n 160   if (st.st_gid != gid)\n 161     {\n 162       if (__chown (buf, uid, gid) < 0)\n 163         goto helper;\n 164     }\n
    |2017-06-05T18:38:49|1|to|N---|so grantpt checks that uid and gid of the running process are "expected" and if not invokes the chown
    |2017-06-05T18:39:04|1|to|N---|now we have to figure out what "expected" means and compare it to the sshd process running
    |2017-06-05T18:39:14|1|to|N---|on problematic instance and on a working instance

    if running under gdb is possible, then yes, we can add a breakpoint on chown, and when it gets to chown with interesting arguments - see the whole backtrace.

    Also nowdays I think one can add a dynamic tracepoint to chown and get the user stacks when the program hits it with BPF. See e.g. here:

    (there should be a ready utility for that, probably it is, but I do not recall the details offhand)

    Today, I would say that BPF tracing is the most efficient way to understand. For example I used it to understand how kernel behaves for processing networked packets, and why/from where latencies come from:

    Hope this helps a bit,

  • Thanks a lot @kirr . I usually use strace and then try to guess :)

    I remember watching this video . It was a nice introduction on this (but a bit fast)

  • let's also add this introduction to the list

  • @jerome, thanks for feedback. ex. Sun / DTrace Brendan Gregg indeed has many good materials on his page regarding Linux tracing:

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