Commit a77d47b2 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat Committed by Cédric de Saint Martin

Introduce --only_sr and --only_cp

 - only_sr filter and force the run of a single SR, and uses url_md5 (folder_id)

 - only_cp filter which computer patition, will be runned. it can be a list,
           splited by comman (slappartX,slappartY ...)
parent cc3b9415
......@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ def parseArgumentTupleAndReturnSlapgridObject(*argument_tuple):
"(ie.:slappartX, slappartY),"
"this option will make all others computer partitions be ignored.")
# Parses arguments
if argument_tuple == ():
# No arguments given to entry point : we parse sys.argv.
......@@ -277,7 +278,9 @@ def parseArgumentTupleAndReturnSlapgridObject(*argument_tuple):
shacache_key_file=option_dict.get('shacache-key-file', None),
shadir_cert_file=option_dict.get('shadir-cert-file', None),
shadir_key_file=option_dict.get('shadir-key-file', None),
develop=option_dict.get('develop', False)
develop=option_dict.get('develop', False),
software_release_filter_list=option_dict.get('only_sr', None),
computer_partition_filter_list=option_dict.get('only_cp', None),
......@@ -408,6 +411,13 @@ class Slapgrid(object):
self.buildout = buildout
self.promise_timeout = promise_timeout
self.develop = develop
if software_release_filter_list is not None:
self.software_release_filter_list = software_release_filter_list.split(",")
self.software_release_filter_list= []
self.computer_partition_filter_list = []
if computer_partition_filter_list is not None:
self.computer_partition_filter_list = computer_partition_filter_list.split(",")
def checkEnvironmentAndCreateStructure(self):
"""Checks for software_root and instance_root existence, then creates
......@@ -484,7 +494,10 @@ class Slapgrid(object):
if state == 'available':
completed_tag = os.path.join(software_path, '.completed')
if self.develop or (not os.path.exists(completed_tag)):
if self.develop or \
(not os.path.exists(completed_tag) and \
len(self.software_release_filter_list) == 0) or \
url_hash in self.software_release_filter_list:
except NotFoundError:
......@@ -590,6 +603,10 @@ class Slapgrid(object):
clean_run = True
for computer_partition in self.getComputerPartitionList():
computer_partition_id = computer_partition.getId()
if len(self.computer_partition_filter_list) > 0 and \
(computer_partition_id not in self.computer_partition_filter_list):
instance_path = os.path.join(
self.instance_root, computer_partition_id)
timestamp_path = os.path.join(instance_path, '.timestamp')
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