Commit d7a428c7 authored by Justin's avatar Justin

slapos/promise/plugin/ Modified getJsonLogLatestTimestamp() to use...

slapos/promise/plugin/ Modified getJsonLogLatestTimestamp() to use current_time instead of latest_timestamp
parent 860c6c4b
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import os
import textwrap
from dateutil import parser as dateparser
from datetime import datetime
from slapos.grid.promise.generic import GenericPromise
......@@ -66,16 +66,15 @@ class JSONPromise(GenericPromise):
Get all data in the last "interval" seconds from JSON log
Reads rotated logs too (XX.log, XX.log.1, XX.log.2, ...)
oldest_timestamp = None
current_time =
data_list = []
for f in iter_logrotate_file_handle(self.__json_log_file, 'rb'):
for line in iter_reverse_lines(f):
l = json.loads(line.decode().replace("'", '"'))
timestamp = dateparser.parse(l['time'])
oldest_timestamp = oldest_timestamp or timestamp
if (oldest_timestamp - timestamp).total_seconds() > interval:
if (current_time - timestamp).total_seconds() > interval:
return data_list
return data_list
def getJsonLogLatestTimestamp(log):
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