Commit f26056f3 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent fbc076aa
// DRB configuration for LTE cell {{ cell_ref }}.
// DRB configuration for LTE cell {{ cell_ref }} @ {{ ru_ref }}.
// DRB configuration vary in beteen FDD and TDD modes.
// {{ cell.rf_mode | upper }}
// DRB configuration for NR cell {{ cell_ref }}.
// DRB configuration for NR cell {{ cell_ref }} @ {{ ru_ref }}.
// XXX (?) DRB configuration vary in beteen FDD and TDD modes.
// {{ cell.rf_mode | upper }}
// DRB configuration for LTE cell CELL1_a.
// DRB configuration for LTE cell CELL1_a @ _CELL1_a_ru.
// DRB configuration vary in beteen FDD and TDD modes.
// TDD
// SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL1_a @ _CELL1_a_ru.
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
// DRB configuration for LTE cell CELL1_b.
// DRB configuration for LTE cell CELL1_b @ _CELL1_a_ru.
// DRB configuration vary in beteen FDD and TDD modes.
// TDD
// SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL1_b @ _CELL1_a_ru.
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
// DRB configuration for NR cell CELL1_c.
// DRB configuration for NR cell CELL1_c @ _CELL1_a_ru.
// XXX (?) DRB configuration vary in beteen FDD and TDD modes.
// TDD
// SIB2/SIB3 for NR cell CELL1_c @ _CELL1_a_ru.
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
// SIB2 and SIB3 configurations for {{ cell.cell_type | upper }} cell {{ cell_ref }}.
// SIB2/SIB3 for {{ cell.cell_type | upper }} cell {{ cell_ref }} @ {{ ru_ref }}.
{%- set bbu = "zzz" %}{# XXX temp hack #}
message c1: systemInformation: {
......@@ -320,22 +320,24 @@ def do_enb():
raise AssertionError('enb: unknown shared instance %r' % (ishared,))
def ru_of_cell(icell): # ~ jcell_ru_ref
def ru_of_cell(icell): # -> (ru_ref, ru)
cell_ref = ref_of_shared(icell)
ru = icell['_']['ru']
if ru['ru_type'] == 'ru_ref':
return iru_dict[ru.ru_ref]
ru_ref = ru['ru_ref']
return ru_ref, iru_dict[ru_ref]
elif ru['ru_type'] == 'ruincell_ref':
return ru_of_cell(icell_dict[ru['ruincell_ref']])
return ru # embedded ru definition
return ('_%s_ru' % cell_ref), ru # embedded ru definition
for cell_ref, icell in icell_dict.items():
ru = ru_of_cell(icell)
ru_ref, ru = ru_of_cell(icell)
cell = icell['_']
jctx = json.dumps({
'cell_ref': cell_ref,
'cell': cell,
'ru_ref': ru_ref,
'ru': ru,
j2render('drb_%s.jinja2.cfg' % cell['cell_type'],
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