• Bram Schoenmakers's avatar
    Do not apply ordinal filtering when a tag appears more than once · 5e13411a
    Bram Schoenmakers authored
    Suppose we have the todo item:
        (C) Some item key:value1 key:value2
    And then I do an ls:
        topydo ls -x key:value2
    Before, this would yield an empty result, which is undesired. Therefore,
    only apply ordinal tag filtering when a tag appears exactly once in the
    todo item. This is a simple approach, and special operators >, >= etc
    will not be applicable:
        topydo ls -x key:>value1
    will no longer work. The result could be ambiguous: filter out when none of
    the tags match, or only some of them?
test_filter.py 17.9 KB