Commit 0774ad55 authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Wipe the widget cache at midnight

This serves two purposes:

* Relative dates and progress colors are shown correctly on the next day
* Stale cached items get wiped at least once a day (for those who continiously
  run this mode)
parent 87bfda02
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from topydo.ui.CLIApplicationBase import CLIApplicationBase
from topydo.ui.columns.CommandLineWidget import CommandLineWidget
from topydo.ui.columns.ConsoleWidget import ConsoleWidget
from topydo.ui.columns.KeystateWidget import KeystateWidget
from topydo.ui.columns.TodoWidget import TodoWidget
from topydo.ui.columns.TodoListWidget import TodoListWidget
from topydo.ui.columns.Utils import PaletteItem, to_urwid_color
from topydo.ui.columns.ViewWidget import ViewWidget
......@@ -220,6 +221,7 @@ class UIApplication(CLIApplicationBase):
def _set_alarm_for_next_midnight_update(self):
def callback(p_loop, p_data):
......@@ -106,10 +106,6 @@ class TodoListWidget(urwid.LineBox):
# -2 for the same reason as in self._scroll_to_bottom()
self.todolist.set_focus(len(self.todolist) - 2)
# after the update there might be old stuff left in the widget cache,
# clean it
def _scroll_to_top(self, p_size):
......@@ -188,19 +188,8 @@ class TodoWidget(urwid.WidgetWrap):
return widget
cache_clean_counter = 0
def clean_cache(p_class, p_todolist):
""" Cleans the widget cache once every 500 column updates. """
if p_class.cache_clean_counter % 500 != 0:
# wait
p_class.cache_clean_counter += 1
sources_in_list = set([todo.source() for todo in p_todolist])
sources_in_cache = set(p_class.cache.keys())
def wipe_cache(p_class):
""" Wipes the cache """
p_class.cache = {}
for stale in sources_in_cache - sources_in_list:
del p_class.cache[stale]
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