Commit 125dd8f1 authored by Jacek Sowiński's avatar Jacek Sowiński

Extend tests for EditCommand

1. Check output of `topydo edit -e`
2. Test if opening archive works via `topydo edit -d`
parent 61a35f8f
......@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
import unittest
import mock
from six import u
import os
from topydo.commands.EditCommand import EditCommand
from test.CommandTest import CommandTest, utf8
from topydo.lib.TodoList import TodoList
from topydo.lib.Todo import Todo
from topydo.lib.Config import config
class EditCommandTest(CommandTest):
def setUp(self):
......@@ -114,7 +116,6 @@ class EditCommandTest(CommandTest):
self.assertEqual(self.errors, "")
self.assertEqual(str(self.todolist), utf8(u("Foo id:1\nBar p:1 @test\nBaz @test\nLazy Cat")))
def test_edit_expr(self, mock_open_in_editor, mock_todos_from_temp):
......@@ -125,9 +126,27 @@ class EditCommandTest(CommandTest):
command = EditCommand(["-e", "@test"], self.todolist, self.out, self.error, None)
expected = utf8(u("| 3| Lazy Cat\n| 4| Lazy Dog\n"))
self.assertEqual(self.errors, "")
self.assertEqual(self.output, expected)
self.assertEqual(str(self.todolist), utf8(u("Foo id:1\nFo\u00f3B\u0105\u017a\nLazy Cat\nLazy Dog")))
def test_edit_archive(self, mock_call):
""" Edit archive file. """
mock_call.return_value = 0
editor = 'vi'
os.environ['EDITOR'] = editor
archive = config().archive()
command = EditCommand([u("-d")], self.todolist, self.out, self.error, None)
self.assertEqual(self.errors, "")
mock_call.assert_called_once_with([editor, archive])
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