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Commit 1d333708 authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Update docstrings

parent e22bfbde
......@@ -63,25 +63,19 @@ _TABLE_SIZES = {
def _to_base(p_alphabet, p_value):
Converts integer to text ID with characters from the given alphabet.
Based on answer on
result = ''
while p_value:
p_value, i = divmod(p_value, len(p_alphabet))
result = p_alphabet[i] + result
return result or p_alphabet[0]
class _TableSizeException(Exception):
def _get_table_size(p_alphabet, p_num):
# choose a larger key size if there's >1% chance of collision
Returns a prime number that is suitable for the hash table size. The size
is dependent on the alphabet used, and the number of items that need to be
hashed. The table size is at least 100 times larger than the number of
items to be hashed, to avoid collisions.
When the alphabet is too little or too large, then _TableSizeException is
raised. Currently an alphabet of 10 to 40 characters is supported.
for width, size in sorted(_TABLE_SIZES[len(p_alphabet)].items()):
if p_num < size * 0.01:
......@@ -96,13 +90,27 @@ def hash_list_values(p_list, p_key=lambda i: i): # pragma: no branch
Calculates a unique value for each item in the list, these can be used as
The value is based on hashing an item using the p_hash function.
The value is based on hashing an item using the p_key function.
Suitable for lists not larger than approx. 16K items.
Returns a tuple with the status and a list of tuples where each item is
combined with the ID.
def to_base(p_alphabet, p_value):
Converts integer to text ID with characters from the given alphabet.
Based on answer at
result = ''
while p_value:
p_value, i = divmod(p_value, len(p_alphabet))
result = p_alphabet[i] + result
return result or p_alphabet[0]
result = []
used = set()
alphabet = config().identifier_alphabet()
......@@ -127,14 +135,14 @@ def hash_list_values(p_list, p_key=lambda i: i): # pragma: no branch
hash_value = (hash_value + 1) % size
result.append((item, _to_base(alphabet, hash_value)))
result.append((item, to_base(alphabet, hash_value)))
return result
def max_id_length(p_num):
Returns the length of the IDs used, given the number of items that are
assigned an ID.
assigned an ID. Used for padding in lists.
alphabet = config().identifier_alphabet()
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