Commit 34db612b authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Mention pre-push hook that runs pylint

parent ac2659f7
......@@ -31,6 +31,31 @@ smoothly into topydo.
Obviously, I won't accept anything that makes the tests fail. When you submit
a Pull Request, Travis CI will automatically run all tests for various Python
versions, but it's better if you run the tests locally first.
* Travis CI will also run `pylint` and fail when new errors are introduced. You
may want to add a `pre-push` script to your topydo clone before pushing to
Github (.git/hooks/pre-push):
if [ $remote = "origin" ]; then
if ! green; then
exit 1
if ! python2 -m pylint --errors-only topydo test; then
exit 1
if ! python3 -m pylint --errors-only topydo test; then
exit 1
exit 0
Make sure to run `chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push` to activate the hook.
* Add tests for your change(s):
* Bugfixes: add a test case that covers your bugfix, so the bug won't happen
ever again.
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