Commit 36e4949b authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Write up first draft of the 0.10 changelog

parent 5d144d10
A major release, introducing a new user interface (TUI). Special thanks go to
@mruwek for helping out to get this UI in its current shape.
* New: A column-based user interface. Each column has its own filters and sort
order, allowing you to build a dashboard with your todo items. Launch with
`topydo columns`.
* New: color blocks that change from green to red (overdue) as time passes by.
Use the %z placeholder to add color blocks to the `ls` output.
* New: color option can be set to 0, 1, 16 or 256 and if needed overridden by
-C on the commandline.
* New: recurrence based on business days. Skips Saturdays and Sundays when
calculating the next date (thanks to @mruwek).
* New: items can be sorted by length (use 'length' as sort field).
* New: parents-of and children-of operators with `add`, `dep` and `append`
subcommands. The todo item receives the same parents/children from the
specified todo item.
* New: `append` understands relative dates and other tags that are special to
`add` (thanks to @rameshg87).
* Fix: dependency ID creation with orphan todo items.
* Fix: crash after completing/deleting an edited item.
* Fix: crash after completing an item that got a new dependency with `dep add`
* Change: a new tag value with an existing key can be added with the tag
subcommand (thanks to @MinchinWeb)
* Change: ~/.config/topydo/config can be used as a configuration file.
* Change: No backups are written for read-only commands (e.g. lsprj)
* Change: topydo is more scalable for large todo.txt files.
* Known issue: color blocks are not shown in `ls` output in the column UI.
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