Commit 44906dc2 authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Print nodes with more information

It has full name now, a priority and a due date. The legend is no longer
parent ae885642
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Provides a printer that transforms a list of Todo items to a graph in Dot
notation. Useful for displaying dependencies.
from textwrap import wrap
from topydo.lib.PrettyPrinter import Printer
......@@ -36,23 +38,37 @@ class DotPrinter(Printer):
""" Escapes double quotes as they are special in attributes. """
return p_text.replace('"', '\\"')
def legend():
def node_label(p_todo):
Generates a legend for each todo item thas is to be printed.
Prints an HTML table for a node label with some todo details.
return '\n'.join(sorted([escape('{} {}'.format(
self.todolist.number(t), t.text()
)) for t in p_todos]))
node_result = '<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0">'
node_result += '<TR><TD><B>{}</B></TD><TD BALIGN="LEFT"><B>{}{}{}</B></TD></TR>'.format(
"<S>" if todo.is_completed() else "",
"<BR />".join(wrap(p_todo.text(), 35)),
"</S>" if todo.is_completed() else "",
node_result += '<HR/>'
node_result += '<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT">Prio:</TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">{}</TD></TR>'.format(p_todo.priority())
if p_todo.due_date():
node_result += '<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT">Due:</TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">{}</TD></TR>'.format(p_todo.due_date().isoformat())
node_result += '</TABLE>>'
return node_result
node_name = lambda t: '_' + str(self.todolist.number(t))
node_label = lambda t: str(self.todolist.number(t))
node_tooltip = lambda t: escape(t.text())
result = 'digraph {\n'
result += 'node [ shape=plaintext ]\n';
# print todos
for todo in p_todos:
result += ' {} [label="{}", tooltip="{}"]\n'.format(
result += ' {} [label={}, tooltip="{}"]\n'.format(
......@@ -72,7 +88,6 @@ class DotPrinter(Printer):
# print legend
result += 'rank=sink\n'
result += 'legend [ fontsize=8, shape=box, label="{}" ]\n'.format(legend())
result += '}\n'
return result
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