Commit 51f3c03a authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Add function that maintains the dependency graph.

The function takes care that all edges are present in the dependency

This fixes a bug that when adding a todo with a parent which appears
later in the file, the edge wouldn't be drawn.
parent d11ab459
......@@ -53,6 +53,29 @@ class TodoList(object):
return hits[0] if len(hits) else None
def _maintain_dep_graph(self, p_todo):
Makes sure that the dependency graph is consistent according to the
given todo.
dep_id = p_todo.tag_value('id')
# maintain dependency graph
if dep_id:
# connect all tasks we have in memory so far that refer to this
# task
for dep in \
[dep for dep in self._todos if dep.has_tag('p', dep_id)]:
self._depgraph.add_edge(p_todo.number, dep.number, dep_id)
for child in p_todo.tag_values('p'):
parent = self.todo_by_dep_id(child)
if parent:
self._depgraph.add_edge(parent.number, p_todo.number, child)
def add(self, p_src):
Given a todo string, parse it and put it to the end of the list.
......@@ -76,14 +99,7 @@ class TodoList(object):
todo = Todo.Todo(p_src, number)
# maintain dependency graph
if todo.has_tag('id'):
for child in todo.tag_values('p'):
parent = self.todo_by_dep_id(child)
if parent:
self._depgraph.add_edge(parent.number, todo.number, child)
def delete(self, p_number):
""" Deletes a todo item from the list. """
......@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ class TodoListDependencyTester(unittest.TestCase):
self.todolist.add("Bar p:1")
self.todolist.add("Baz p:1 id:2")
self.todolist.add("Buzz p:2")
def test_check_dep(self):
children = self.todolist.children(1)
......@@ -158,6 +159,12 @@ class TodoListDependencyTester(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.todolist.children(2), [])
self.assertEqual(self.todolist.parents(1), [])
def test_add_dep(self):
self.todolist.add_dependency(5, 4)
self.assertTrue(self.todolist.todo(5).has_tag('id', '3'))
self.assertTrue(self.todolist.todo(4).has_tag('p', '3'))
def test_remove_dep1(self):
self.todolist.remove_dependency(3, 4)
......@@ -168,7 +175,7 @@ class TodoListDependencyTester(unittest.TestCase):
old = str(self.todolist)
self.todolist.remove_dependency(1, 4)
self.assertEquals(str(self.todolist), old)
def test_remove_task(self):
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