<pre>Below you find a list of __default__ keyboard shortcuts that are used in the [[Column UI|ColumnUI]]. Those familiar with the vi editor shouldn't have a hard time to get used to it.
These shortcuts are [[fully customizable|ColumnKeyMap]] in the [[configuration file|Configuration]].
@@ -7295,7 +7295,7 @@ These shortcuts are [[fully customizable|ColumnKeyMap]] in the [[configuration f
|`G` or `End`|`end`|Move to bottom|
|`0`|`first_column`|Move to first column|
|`$`|`last_column`|Move to last column|
|`:`||Focus the commandline to execute custom commands.|
|`:`||Focus the [[commandline|ColumnUICommandLine]] to execute custom commands.|
!! [[Column]] actions
@@ -7320,6 +7320,8 @@ These shortcuts are [[fully customizable|ColumnKeyMap]] in the [[configuration f
|`ps`//&lt;period&gt;//|`postpone_s`|Executes <<cmd postpone>> in strict mode on the highlighted item(s) with the given [[period|Period]].|
<pre>The commandline is shown at the bottom of the screen in [[column mode|ColumnUI]]. The commandline is activated by pressing `:`, like in `vi`.
!! Key shortcuts
@@ -7394,7 +7396,7 @@ You can [[configure|Configuration]] the column UI with the following options:
!! Run command on marked items
You can enter commands that are applied to the marked items in the columns. These commands must be entered with a `{}` placeholder, which will be substituted with the todo IDs of the marked items.
You can enter commands that are applied to the marked items in the columns. These commands must be entered with a `{}` placeholder, which will be substituted with the [[todo IDs|Identifiers]] of the marked items.
First, mark all items with `m`. Then, to set a due date for all those items, enter on the commandline:
@@ -8461,7 +8463,7 @@ for url in urls:
* [[Original todo.txt CLI|https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt-cli]] by Gina Trapani
<div bag="default" command-description="Lists all ([[relevant|Relevancy]]) todo items." created="20160503072057494" modified="20161216180529653" revision="0" tags="Command FilterExpressions" title="ls" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<div bag="default" command-description="Lists all ([[relevant|Relevancy]]) todo items." created="20160503072057494" modified="20171121091016106" revision="0" tags="Command FilterExpressions" title="ls" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<pre>Lists all ([[relevant|Relevancy]]) todo items.
@@ -8484,7 +8486,7 @@ There are several ways to filter the todo list such that only those items you're
* [[Filter expressions|FilterExpressions]]
* `-n <count>` flag: limit the output to the given amount
* `-N` flag: like `-n`, but the number is determined automatically based on your terminal size.
* `-N` flag: like `-n`, but the number is determined automatically based on your terminal size. For a correct display, please make sure that the `PS1` environment variable is exported.
* `-i <id>` flag: limit the output to one particar item with the given [[identifier|ConfigIdentifiers]].