Commit 647cf77a authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Improve help text of the sort subcommand.

parent 4147d780
......@@ -49,8 +49,13 @@ class SortCommand(Command):
Sorts the file according to the expression. If no expression is given, the
expression in the configuration is used.
The following sort properties are supported:
The expression is a comma separated list of attributes to sort on. The list is
evaluated in order, which means that the first attribute takes higher
precedence, then the second, etc.
The following sort attributes are supported:
* priority - Sort by priority
* creation - Sort by creation date
* completed - Sort by completion state
* importance - Sort by importance
......@@ -58,6 +63,10 @@ The following sort properties are supported:
* text - Sort by text
* <tag> - Sort by values of the given tag
Any property can be prefixed with 'asc:' and 'desc:' to specify the sort order.
The default is ascending sort.
Each item can optionally be prefixed with asc: and desc: to specify ascending
or descending sort respectively. If not specified, ascending sort is assumed.
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