Commit 9d0f961b authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Update changes

parent 3f3a6c4e
* New: `ls` can group items with the `-g` flag, accepting a group expression
(which has the same format as a sort expression). To group items by project,
run: `topydo ls -g project`.
* New: `ls` can print todo items in the Graphviz Dot format, such that
dependencies can be visualized. Use `ls -f dot`, or
`topydo ls -f dot +ProjectA | dot -Tsvg -o projectA.svg` to make a graph for
project A.
* New: Focus and mark colors are customizable in the column UI (thanks to
* New: todo items can be hidden by adding a `h:1` tag (thanks to @MinchinWeb).
* New: an alternative column definition file can be given with the `-l` flag:
`topydo columns -ls /path/to/columns.conf` (thanks to @mruwek).
* Fix: column UI reloads automatically when the todo.txt file was changed
* Fix: `edit` did not work on some operating systems (e.g. Mac OS X).
* Fix: relative dates were sometimes one day off.
* Fix: Minor importance calculation fix during the weekend for distant mondays
(thanks to @aetherknight).
* Fix: tests were made more deterministic.
* Change: Performance improvements for the column UI, it scales better with
large todo lists.
* Change: temporary files (for editing) will be detected as todo.txt files by
the todo.txt-vim plugin.
0.10.1 0.10.1
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