Commit a6e3dc95 authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Add grouping support to the Sorter

parent ac982b13
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
""" This module provides functionality to sort lists with todo items. """
from itertools import groupby
import re
from datetime import date
......@@ -93,10 +94,9 @@ class Sorter(object):
def __init__(self, p_sortstring="desc:priority"):
self.sortstring = p_sortstring
self.functions = []
def __init__(self, p_sortstring="desc:priority", p_groupstring=""):
self.groupfunctions = self._parse(p_groupstring) if p_groupstring else []
self.sortfunctions = self._parse(p_groupstring + ',' + p_sortstring)
def sort(self, p_todos):
......@@ -108,18 +108,34 @@ class Sorter(object):
sorted_todos = p_todos
for function, order in reversed(self.functions):
for function, order in reversed(self.sortfunctions):
sorted_todos = sorted(sorted_todos, key=function,
reverse=(order == 'desc'))
return sorted_todos
def _parse(self):
def group(self, p_todos):
result = [([], self.sort(p_todos))]
for function, _ in self.groupfunctions:
oldresult = result
result = []
for oldkey, oldgroup in oldresult:
for key, group in groupby(oldgroup, function):
newkey = oldkey + [key]
newgroup = list(group)
result.append((newkey, newgroup))
return result
def _parse(self, p_string):
Parses a sort string and returns a list of functions and the
desired order.
fields = self.sortstring.lower().split(',')
result = []
fields = p_string.lower().split(',')
for field in fields:
parsed_field = re.match(
......@@ -141,4 +157,23 @@ class Sorter(object):
if is_priority_field(field):
order = 'asc' if order == 'desc' else 'desc'
self.functions.append((function, order))
result.append((function, order))
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
from topydo.lib.Todo import Todo
todos = [
Todo('Foo +A @A type:a'),
Todo('Foo +A @B type:b'),
Todo('Bar +B @B type:b'),
Todo('Baz +A @B'),
s = Sorter('desc:context', 'project,type')
for key, group in
for item2 in group:
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