Commit b1a99d64 authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Make add subcommand more convenient to use.

* Allow relative dates for start and due tags.
* Put priority to the start when it appears mid-sentence.
* Automatically sets the creation date.
parent c5eb4727
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Entry file for the Python todo.txt CLI. """
import datetime
import re
import sys
import Config
import Filter
from PrettyPrinter import pretty_print
from RelativeDate import relative_date_to_date
import Sorter
import TodoFile
import TodoList
......@@ -46,6 +48,35 @@ def convert_number(p_number):
return p_number
def preprocess_input_todo(p_text):
Preprocesses user input when adding a task.
It does:
* Detect a priority mid-sentence and puts it at the start.
p_text = re.sub(r'^(.+) (\([A-Z]\))(.*)$', r'\2 \1\3', p_text)
return p_text
def postprocess_input_todo(p_todo):
Post-processes a parsed todo when adding it to the list.
* It converts relative dates to absolute ones.
* Automatically inserts a creation date if not present.
for tag in [Config.TAG_START, Config.TAG_DUE]:
value = p_todo.tag_value(tag)
if value:
date = relative_date_to_date(value)
if date:
p_todo.set_tag(tag, date.isoformat())
class Application(object):
def __init__(self):
self.todolist = TodoList.TodoList([])
......@@ -59,7 +90,9 @@ class Application(object):
def add(self):
""" Adds a todo item to the list. """
text = preprocess_input_todo(argument(2))
todo = self.todolist.add(text)
self.dirty = True
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