Commit e8bb8b81 authored by Jacek Sowiński's avatar Jacek Sowiński

Edit the archive file with '-d' option.

This implements archive option from #2.
parent 0d570f8a
......@@ -32,12 +32,15 @@ class EditCommand(MultiCommand, ListCommand):
p_error, p_input)
self.is_expression = False
self.edit_archive = False
def _process_flags(self):
opts, args = self.getopt('xe')
opts, args = self.getopt('xed')
for opt, value in opts:
if opt == '-x':
if opt == '-d':
self.edit_archive = True
elif opt == '-x':
self.show_all = True
elif opt == '-e':
self.is_expression = True
......@@ -101,6 +104,11 @@ class EditCommand(MultiCommand, ListCommand):
if self.edit_archive:
archive = config().archive()
return call([editor, archive]) == 0
if self.is_expression:
self.todos = self._view()._viewdata
......@@ -136,7 +144,8 @@ class EditCommand(MultiCommand, ListCommand):
return """Synopsis:
edit <NUMBER1> [<NUMBER2> ...]
edit -e [-x] [expression]"""
edit -e [-x] [expression]
edit -d"""
def help(self):
return """\
......@@ -145,7 +154,7 @@ Launches a text editor to edit todos.
Without any arguments it will just open the todo.txt file. Alternatively it can
edit todo item(s) with the given number(s) or edit relevant todos matching
the given expression. See `topydo help ls` for more information on relevant
todo items.
todo items. It is also possible to open the archive file.
By default it will use $EDITOR in your environment, otherwise it will fall back
to 'vi'.
......@@ -153,4 +162,5 @@ to 'vi'.
-e : Treat the subsequent arguments as an expression.
-x : Edit *all* todos matching the expression (i.e. do not filter on
dependencies or relevance).
-d : Open the archive file.
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