Commit e91e9cab authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Escape special characters in HTML like labels in Dot output

Todo items with " & < or > were not properly rendered because they were
not escaped.

Thanks to Jacob Leemaster for the bug report.
parent 8737faa1
......@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
(C) 13 + 29 = 42
x 2014-12-12 Completed but with date:2014-12-12
(C) Special characters <"&>
......@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ node [ shape="none" margin="0" fontsize="9" fontname="Helvetica" ]
_3 [label=<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" VALIGN="top"><TR><TD><B>3</B></TD><TD BALIGN="LEFT"><B>Baz @Context1 +Project1</B></TD></TR><HR/><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">Prio:</TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">C</TD></TR></TABLE>> style=filled fillcolor="#008000" fontcolor="#ffffff"]
_4 [label=<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" VALIGN="top"><TR><TD><B>4</B></TD><TD BALIGN="LEFT"><B>Drink beer @ home</B></TD></TR><HR/><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">Prio:</TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">C</TD></TR></TABLE>> style=filled fillcolor="#008000" fontcolor="#ffffff"]
_5 [label=<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" VALIGN="top"><TR><TD><B>5</B></TD><TD BALIGN="LEFT"><B>13 + 29 = 42</B></TD></TR><HR/><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">Prio:</TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">C</TD></TR></TABLE>> style=filled fillcolor="#008000" fontcolor="#ffffff"]
_7 [label=<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" VALIGN="top"><TR><TD><B>7</B></TD><TD BALIGN="LEFT"><B>Special characters &lt;&quot;&amp;&gt;</B></TD></TR><HR/><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">Prio:</TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">C</TD></TR></TABLE>> style=filled fillcolor="#008000" fontcolor="#ffffff"]
_2 [label=<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" VALIGN="top"><TR><TD><B>2</B></TD><TD BALIGN="LEFT"><B>Bar @Context1 +Project2</B></TD></TR><HR/><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">Prio:</TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">D</TD></TR></TABLE>> style=filled fillcolor="#008000" fontcolor="#ffffff"]
_6 [label=<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" VALIGN="top"><TR><TD><B>6</B></TD><TD BALIGN="LEFT"><B><S>Completed but with</S></B></TD></TR></TABLE>> style=filled fillcolor="#008000" fontcolor="#ffffff"]
_3 -> _2
_1 -> _4 [style="invis"]
_4 -> _5 [style="invis"]
_5 -> _6 [style="invis"]
_5 -> _7 [style="invis"]
_7 -> _6 [style="invis"]
......@@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ class DotPrinter(Printer):
Prints an HTML table for a node label with some todo details.
def escape_dot_label(p_string):
HTML like labels in Dot may not have raw ampersands, quotes or
angle brackets. These should be properly replaced with the
escaped character notation.
return p_string.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('"', '&quot;').replace(
'<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
node_result = '<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" VALIGN="top">'
def print_row(p_value1, p_value2):
......@@ -48,7 +58,7 @@ class DotPrinter(Printer):
node_result += '<TR><TD><B>{}</B></TD><TD BALIGN="LEFT"><B>{}{}{}</B></TD></TR>'.format(
"<S>" if todo.is_completed() else "",
"<BR />".join(wrap(p_todo.text(), 35)),
"<BR />".join(map(escape_dot_label, wrap(p_todo.text(), 35))),
"</S>" if todo.is_completed() else "",
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