• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    nrarfcn: Fix behaviour on invalid input parameters · 8e606c64
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Contrary to earfcn, where band can be automatically deduced from earfcn
    number because 4G bands never overlap, most functions in nrarfcn accept
    as input parameters both nr_arfcn and band, because 5G bands can and do
    overlap. As the result it is possible to invoke e.g. dl2ul with
    dl_nr_arfcn being outside of downlink spectrum of specified band.
    However in b8065120 I've made a thinko and handled such situation with
    simple assert which does not lead to useful error feedback from a user
    perspective, for example:
        In [2]: xnrarfcn.dl2ul(10000, 1)
        AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
        Cell In[2], line 1
        ----> 1 n.dl2ul(10000, 1)
        File ~/src/wendelin/xlte/nrarfcn.py:85, in dl2ul(dl_nr_arfcn, band)
             83 if dl_lo == 'N/A':
             84     raise AssertionError('band%r does not have downlink spectrum' % band)
        ---> 85 assert dl_lo <= dl_nr_arfcn <= dl_hi
             86 ul_lo, ul_hi = nr.get_nrarfcn_range(band, 'ul')
             87 if ul_lo == 'N/A':
    The issue here is that asserts can be used to only verify internal
    invariants, and that reported error does not provide details about which
    nrarfcn and band were used in the query.
    -> Fix this by providing details in the error reported to incorrect
    module usage, and by consistently raising ValueError for "invalid
    parameters" cases.
    The reported error for above example now becomes
        ValueError: band1: NR-ARFCN=10000 is outside of downlink spectrum
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