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Commit 4787eadd authored by Guillaume Michon's avatar Guillaume Michon

Various bug fixes on inventory management

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent ef906453
......@@ -232,9 +232,9 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
if len(mirror_section_category_uid_list) :
new_kw[table + '_mirrorSectionCategory'] = mirror_section_category_uid_list
variation_category_uid_list = self._generatePropertyUidList(variation_category)
if len(variation_category_uid_list) :
new_kw['variationCategory'] = variation_category_uid_list
#variation_category_uid_list = self._generatePropertyUidList(variation_category)
#if len(variation_category_uid_list) :
# new_kw['variationCategory'] = variation_category_uid_list
# Simulation States
# first, we evaluate simulation_state
......@@ -270,7 +270,26 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
if type(sql_kw.get('output_simulation_state')) is type('') :
sql_kw['output_simulation_state'] = [sql_kw['output_simulation_state']]
# It is necessary to use here another SQL query (or at least a subquery)
# to get _DISTINCT_ uid from predicate_category table.
# Otherwise, by using a where_expression, cells which fit conditions
# more than one time are counted more than one time, and the resulting
# inventory is false
# XXX Perhaps is there a better solution
add_kw = {}
if variation_category is not None and len(variation_category)>0:
where_expression = self.portal_categories.buildSQLSelector(
category_list = variation_category,
query_table = 'predicate_category')
if where_expression != '':
add_kw['where_expression'] = where_expression
add_kw['predicate_category.uid'] = '!=NULL'
add_kw['group_by_expression'] = 'uid'
add_query = self.portal_catalog(**add_kw)
uid_list = []
for line in add_query:
new_kw['where_expression'] = '( %s )' % ' OR '.join(['catalog.uid=%s' % uid for uid in uid_list])
# build the group by expression
group_by_expression_list = []
......@@ -282,6 +301,7 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
group_by_expression_list.append('stock.resource_uid') # Always group by resource
sql_kw['group_by_expression'] = ', '.join(group_by_expression_list)
return sql_kw
......@@ -324,11 +344,11 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
this needs to be extended with some kind of variation_category ?
XXX this way of implementing variation selection is far from perfect
variation_category - variation or list of possible variations
variation_category - variation or list of possible variations (it is not a cross-search ; SQL query uses OR)
simulation_state - only take rows with specified simulation_state
transit_simulation_state - take rows with specified transit_simulation_state and quantity < 0
transit_simulation_state - specifies which states are transit states
omit_transit - do not evaluate transit_simulation_state
......@@ -336,9 +356,10 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
output_simulation_state - only take rows with specified output_simulation_state and quantity < 0
ignore_variation - do not take into account variation in inventory calculation
ignore_variation - do not take into account variation in inventory calculation (useless on getInventory,
but useful on getInventoryList)
standardise - provide a standard quantity rather than an SKU
standardise - provide a standard quantity rather than an SKU (XXX not implemented yet)
......@@ -348,9 +369,9 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
selection_domain, selection_report - see ListBox
group_by_variation (useless on getInventory, but useful on getInventoryList)
group_by_node (useless on getInventory, but useful on getInventoryList)
**kw - if we want extended selection with more keywords (but bad performance)
check what we can do with buildSqlQuery
......@@ -624,18 +645,24 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
Returns statistics of inventory grouped by section or site
sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(**kw)
sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(order_by_expression='', **kw)
sql_kw['group_by_expression'] = 'stock.uid'
sql_kw['order_by_expression'] = ''
result = self.Resource_getInventoryHistoryList(src__=src__,
result = self.Resource_zGetInventory(src__=src__,
ignore_variation=ignore_variation, standardise=standardise, omit_simulation=omit_simulation,
omit_input=omit_input, omit_output=omit_output,
selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, **sql_kw)
if src__ :
return result
total_inventory = 0.
for inventory in result:
if inventory['inventory'] < 0:
return inventory['stop_date']
if inventory['inventory'] is not None:
total_inventory += inventory['inventory']
if total_inventory < 0:
return inventory['date']
return None
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