Commit e86c6071 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin
Browse files

TrashTool: fail if backup object container already exist

This is not supposed to happen and can hide errors.
parent 43adfa98
......@@ -80,59 +80,56 @@ class TrashTool(BaseTool):
# backup the object
# here we choose export/import to copy because cut/paste
# do too many things and check for what we want to do
obj = None
if object_id not in backup_object_container.objectIds():
# export object
object_path = container_path + [object_id]
obj = self.unrestrictedTraverse(object_path, None)
if obj is not None:
connection = obj._p_jar
o = obj
while connection is None:
o = o.aq_parent
if obj._p_oid is None:
LOG("Trash Tool backupObject", WARNING,
"Trying to backup uncommitted object %s" % object_path)
return {}
if isinstance(obj, Broken):
LOG("Trash Tool backupObject", WARNING,
"Can't backup broken object %s" % object_path)
klass = obj.__class__
if klass.__module__[:27] in ('Products.ERP5Type.Document.',
# meta_type is required so that a broken object
# can be removed properly from a BTreeFolder2
# (unfortunately, we can only guess it)
klass.meta_type = 'ERP5' + re.subn('(?=[A-Z])', ' ',
return {}
copy = connection.exportFile(obj._p_oid)
# import object in trash
connection = backup_object_container._p_jar
o = backup_object_container
while connection is None:
o = o.aq_parent
backup = connection.importFile(copy)
backup.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=False)
# the isIndexable setting above avoids the recursion of
# manage_afterAdd on
# Products.ERP5Type.CopySupport.CopySupport.manage_afterAdd()
# but not on event subscribers, so we need to suppress_events,
# otherwise subobjects will be reindexed
backup_object_container._setObject(object_id, backup,
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
# XXX we can go here due to formulator because attribute
# field_added doesn't not exists on parent if it is a Trash
# Folder and not a Form, or a module for the old object is
# already removed, and we cannot backup the object
LOG("Trash Tool backupObject", WARNING,
"Can't backup object %s" % object_path)
return {}
object_path = container_path + [object_id]
obj = self.unrestrictedTraverse(object_path, None)
if obj is not None:
connection = obj._p_jar
o = obj
while connection is None:
o = o.aq_parent
if obj._p_oid is None:
LOG("Trash Tool backupObject", WARNING,
"Trying to backup uncommitted object %s" % object_path)
return {}
if isinstance(obj, Broken):
LOG("Trash Tool backupObject", WARNING,
"Can't backup broken object %s" % object_path)
klass = obj.__class__
if klass.__module__[:27] in ('Products.ERP5Type.Document.',
# meta_type is required so that a broken object
# can be removed properly from a BTreeFolder2
# (unfortunately, we can only guess it)
klass.meta_type = 'ERP5' + re.subn('(?=[A-Z])', ' ',
return {}
copy = connection.exportFile(obj._p_oid)
# import object in trash
connection = backup_object_container._p_jar
o = backup_object_container
while connection is None:
o = o.aq_parent
backup = connection.importFile(copy)
backup.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=False)
# the isIndexable setting above avoids the recursion of
# manage_afterAdd on
# Products.ERP5Type.CopySupport.CopySupport.manage_afterAdd()
# but not on event subscribers, so we need to suppress_events,
# otherwise subobjects will be reindexed
backup_object_container._setObject(object_id, backup,
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
# XXX we can go here due to formulator because attribute
# field_added doesn't not exists on parent if it is a Trash
# Folder and not a Form, or a module for the old object is
# already removed, and we cannot backup the object
LOG("Trash Tool backupObject", WARNING,
"Can't backup object %s" % object_path)
return {}
keep_sub = kw.get('keep_subobjects', 0)
subobjects_dict = {}
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