1. 02 Jul, 2021 1 commit
  2. 01 Jul, 2021 7 commits
  3. 30 Jun, 2021 13 commits
  4. 29 Jun, 2021 2 commits
  5. 25 Jun, 2021 1 commit
  6. 24 Jun, 2021 1 commit
  7. 23 Jun, 2021 3 commits
  8. 22 Jun, 2021 6 commits
  9. 21 Jun, 2021 2 commits
  10. 18 Jun, 2021 4 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      runUnitTest: Close ZODB DB before shutdown · 171a66f2
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      We are already closing Storage on shutdown (see nearby Storage.close call in
      the patch), but the DB handle was not closed. With classic ZODB it does not
      really matter in practice, because not closing DB is only leaking RAM resources
      and the program is anyway terminated soon.
      However with wendelin.core 2 things are different: in addition to ZODB storage
      server, there is also synthetic WCFS filesystem from which files are opened
      and memory-mmaped. In runUnitTest we start both ZODB and WCFS servers and we
      also shut down them both in the end. The filesystem server can be cleanly
      unmounted and shutdown only when there are no opened files left on it.
      Wendelin.core 2 client works by complementing each ZODB connection (zconn) with
      WCFS-level connection (wconn) to WCFS server. Those two zconn and wconn are
      kept in sync by wendelin.core 2 client logic: whenever zconn adjusts its view
      of the database, so does wconn. And whenever zconn is garbage collected, so
      does wconn i...
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      ERP5TypeFunctionalTestCase: take screenshot and dump the page on error · beb061d8
      Jérome Perrin authored
      This is not really for errors during the test itself, but for errors when
      ERP5TypeFunctionalTestCase manipulates browser to execute selenium test.
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      ERP5TypeFunctionalTestCase: support running tests on seleniumserver · f10cc273
      Jérome Perrin authored
      This depends on the support in slapos nexedi/slapos!999
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      tests: also consider python unittest failures in functional tests · 1b1dbf60
      Jérome Perrin authored
      It can happen that a test running selenium fail in python, but not in selenium,
      like for example test_result_module/20210615-CDADEC14/183
      To prevent such tests from being reported as PASS, we make the total number of
      failures being the sum of the python unittest failures and the selenium failures.