Commit 589ca02a authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Fix support for icu4c url

See previous patch for how it was crashing.

Needed to improve version detection heuristic because with only trimming
-src suffix the version was detected as "2" and name as "icu4c-58".
parent 49514a19
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ def namever(url, failonerr=True): # -> (name, ver) | None if !failonerr
s = removesuffix(s, tail)
for tail in ['-py2.7'] + ['-py3.%d' % _ for _ in range(20)]:
s = removesuffix(s, tail)
for tail in ('-source',):
for tail in ('-source', '-src'):
s = removesuffix(s, tail)
return s
url = del_tgztail(url)
......@@ -332,15 +332,30 @@ def _namever(url, failonerr):
url = unquote('f'))
filename = basename(url)
# re.rsplit([-_], filename, 1)
m ='[-_][^-_]*$', filename)
if m is not None:
name = filename[:m.start()]
ver = filename[m.start()+1:]
if'[0-9]', ver):
return name, ver
name = filename
ver = ''
dashed = False
while 1:
# re.rsplit([-_], name, 1)
m ='[-_][^-_]*$', name)
if m is None:
dashed = True
v = name[m.start():]
v_ndigit = 0
for _ in v:
if _.isnumeric():
v_ndigit += 1
if v_ndigit < (len(v)-1) / 5: # doesn't look like a version
name = name[:m.start()]
ver = v + ver
if dashed:
if not ver:
return name, None # no version
return filename, None # no version
return name, ver[1:] # ver without leading '-'
m ='\.v.+$', filename) # jpegsrc.v9d
if m is not None:
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from os.path import dirname, exists
('', 'GeoLite2-Country', None),
('', 'LibreOffice', ''),
('', 'cups', '1.7.4'),
('', 'icu4c', '58_2'),
def test_namever(url, nameok, verok):
assert nxdbom.namever(url) == (nameok, verok)
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